[quote author="Tobias Hunger" date="1323856019"]I recommend taking a look into the documentation by the way.[/quote]
Hello, Tobias,
well, I did that, even before asking. Seems I've been trapped by the there mentioned "local repositries", as I hold a repo on my local disk.
But, finally, I got it working on Windows7 with the following steps:
A well installed VisualSVN-Server;
A well installed TourtoiseSVN;
and of course a properly installed Qt SDK 1.1.4.
After creating a project with Qt Creator you can import it's directory structure into the svn repo.
Then close it in Qt Creator, and get it back via File->New...->Get from VCS repository.
The project files in the working folder will be overwritten, but... who cares? ;)
Thanks for your advise!