Thanks for taking the time tonight. Yeah, the QT framework is pretty fun to work with all in all! Yes, random crashes, and the only error messages I got just led me in circles around the forums. The issues with the IDEs (they all seem largely like the same basic software to me, BTW) are pretty widespread, and not much luck on true fixes. The other part that was just great was that they'd eat my files when reading them while crashing, so I'd lose all my code!
Agreed that I was really only in it for the WYSIWYG GUI tooling. I lean (very heavily) toward backend development, and design has never been my forte. So I was bummed to lose that, but must admit that the build tools work swimmingly in VSCode, and I'm having fun nonetheless.
The ever-growing nerd beards on the Arch forums didn't have much to offer. There were a few folks saying they couldn't reproduce the bugs (segmentation faults are really hard to diagnose). But many more saying they had also decided to throw it out the window.
I'm mainly in it for the KDE plug-and-playness. I doubt I'll end up being a pro QML dev, but it's been a fun little jaunt (kinda). But yes, great point, I'm doing just fine in good ol' VS Code with the wonky little QML preview CLI tool on an auto-refresh!