Hi all. So, I want to use QVTKRenderWindowInteractor for displaying some 3D data and, in the same app, I want to have QWebEngineView to render interactive bokeh plots.
It seems not possible, however. Both widgets work ok when separated, but QWebEngineView is not rendered once I put both to the same app.
I tried:
First creating QWebEngineView and then QVTKRenderWindowInteractor and vice versa.
I tried to use the following lines in case the problem is that both are trying to use GPU.
os.environ["QTWEBENGINE_DISABLE_GPU"] = "1"
os.environ["QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS"] = "--disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer"
I have seen this workaround - https://discourse.vtk.org/t/cannot-use-qvtkrenderwindowinteractor-and-qwebengineview-together-in-one-application/5059. But I would like to find some easier one :(
Is the problem that they are fighting for GPU or rather for some other resource?
Can there be some other workaround instead of embedding code?
Can I use something else other than QWebEngineView that would not create conflict but would allow me to create
interactive plots? I have thought about rendering png and just setting it as image to some simpler widgets, but sadly it is not possible as I really need user to have possibility to interactively navigate in the plot.