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Qt Development

Everything development. From desktop and mobile to cloud. Games, tools, 3rd party libraries. Everything.
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  • This is where all the desktop OS and general Qt questions belong.
    83k Topics
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    Also watch out for multiple installations of Qt on the target PC, I think I spot at least 2:
    one at ~/software/suis/new/DistributionKit
    one at /opt/Qt

    Try to remove one of them

  • The forum for developing everything embedded: Linux, WinCE, Symbian, MeeGo... you name it.
    14k Topics
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    I would like to know the workflow for accessing to Android system in general...
    For instance, my Qt Application needs to make a call, display a map, launch another application, play music and video, send an instant alert sound to another device via internet, that basically...

    I know Qt has a lot of stuffs that can help, but i'm not sure if it has the tool to completely access the phone since this is too much dense (or does it has?).

    Can i do all these things using the only Qt's Library? Do i need external library or Java use?

  • Looking for The Bling Thing(tm)? Post here!
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    Component is a special type in the QtQml module that acts as a blueprint for creating objects in QML. Every QML object is implicitly part of a Component, even if you don't explicitly wrap it in a Component block. For example:

    import QtQuick Item { Component.onCompleted: { console.log("Hello World") } }

    Internally, QML treats this as if it is wrapped in a Component:

    import QtQuick Component { Item { Component.onCompleted: { console.log("Hello World") } } }

    You can analyze QQuickItem class and you will see that it inherits from QObject and QQmlParserStatus, hence it is possible to call Component.onCompleted() in Item objects.

  • Have a question about Qt Creator, our cross-platform IDE, or any of the other tools? Ask here!
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    I usually name my Variables v<Name> or p<Name> (for pointers). Is there any way to set multiple variants for the "member variable name" in Quick Fixes, so that the setters and getters are correct for both types? Thanks.

    Best wishes,

  • Your Qt just doesn't want to build? Your compiler can't find the libs? Here's where you find comfort and understanding. And help.
    10k Topics
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    @Robert-Harakaly said in Fetch problem with commercial boot2qt build:

    The opensource version builds, thus the problem is in the commercial license configuration.

    Then you should probably The Qt Company about this. At least if you don't get an answer here.

  • What can we say - we like games. And you can use Qt to write some. Questions? Ask here.
    861 Topics
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    FWIW, the fixed code (thanks to github copilot)

    void SpectralChannel::render(QRhiCommandBuffer *cb) { //update resources first updateTextures(); Area scaledDisplayArea=convert.toScaled(displayArea); scaledDisplayArea.moveLeft(0.); QMatrix4x4 scaledDisplayMatrix=scaledDisplayArea.toMatrix(); resourceUpdateBatch()->updateDynamicBuffer(...); for(QHash<LayerPtr, SpectralTextureMeta2>::iterator tex = textureList.begin(); tex != textureList.end(); tex++) { resourceUpdateBatch()->updateDynamicBuffer(...); ... } cb->resourceUpdate(resourceUpdateBatch(true)); //start drawing commands cb->beginPass(renderTarget(), Qt::black, { 1.0f, 0 }, resourceUpdateBatch(true)); cb->setViewport({ 0, 0, float(width()*devicePixelRatio()), float(height()*devicePixelRatio()) }); for(QHash<LayerPtr, SpectralTextureMeta2>::iterator tex = textureList.begin(); tex != textureList.end(); tex++) { cb->setGraphicsPipeline(tex.value().spectralPipeline.get()); const QRhiCommandBuffer::VertexInput vbufBinding(tex.value().vertexBuf.get(), 0); cb->setVertexInput(0, 1, &vbufBinding); cb->setShaderResources(); cb->draw(4); } cb->endPass(updateFrameBuffer()); }
  • Questions about Qt WebKit and related topics? Post here!
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    Christian EhrlicherC

    Since gcc13 was not yet out when Qt4.8.7 was released some now stricter c++ requirements are in place. you have to fix them by yourself. There error message is clear here - you need a virtual dtor - add it.

  • Discussions and questions on QtWebEngine
    1k Topics
    4k Posts

    hello i have je same problem
    my code

    #include <QApplication> #include <QWebEngineView> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); // Créer une instance de QWebEngineView QWebEngineView webView; // Charger la page HTML locale contenant la carte Leaflet webView.setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile("/leaflet_map.html")); // Replace with the path of your HTML file // Afficher la fenêtre webView.resize(800, 600);; return app.exec(); }


    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Carte Leaflet</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src=""></script> <style> #map { height: 100%; } html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="map"></div> <script> var map ='map').setView([43.6108, 3.8767], 13); L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors' }).addTo(map); </script> </body> </html>

    I use Qt6.8.1 with the MSVC2022_64bit kit
    I tested the html here and it works correctly.

  • You're using Qt with other languages than C++, eh? Post here!
    857 Topics
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    This might help.

  • Combining Qt with 3rd party libraries or components? Ask here!
    1k Topics
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    Hi Slandino, I started working a few days ago on a project to mix Qt and flutter. I have already some working code, but it's using offscreen buffers (my final objective is to make a plugin to have a flutter layer in OBS) so I've not even looked on how to render to a window context. But the code may still work for you. I've commited the mess of code I wrote so far to (it compiles on windows, at least for me). Hope it will give you some help.

  • For discussion and questions about Qt for Python (PySide & Shiboken)

    3k Topics
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    Well it's nice to know it's in good hands :)

  • Specific issues when using Qt for WebAssembly

    440 Topics
    2k Posts

    I am having a similar issue too. In one of my views (mixed Qml and C++) I have a Node editor, where nodes can be added and connected. I used to handle the Keys.onPressed event and delete selected nodes and connection when Delete is pressed. This worked very well with Qt 6.6.1 in Webassembly (I use Linux). Now, when I switched to 6.8.1, Keys.onPressed event is never generated in Webassempbly (works well on desktop). My scene receives the active focus (I am logging onActiveFocusChanged) but not the keyboard events.

  • Discussions and questions about Qt Quick Ultralite and using Qt on microcontrollers in general

    133 Topics
    446 Posts

    I am facing issue while trying to bring images with transparency areas using ItemLayer API. This is the code im using
    ItemLayer {
    renderingHints: ItemLayer.OptimizeForSize
    platformId: 2
    depth: ItemLayer.Bpp32Alpha
    anchors.left: parent.left
    anchors.leftMargin: 1136

    Rectangle { width: 774 height: 720 color: "black" TachGauge { id:tachometer } } } If i use rectangle as a parent component with black color my assets are rendered properly but if directly put image in a ItemLayer without rectangle as a parent component my assets are not rendered properly.

    Screenshot 2024-12-31 121958.png
    I shared a reference PNG, in that you able to see some waves pass thorugh a black boundary if didn't use rectangle as a parent component that parts gets omitted and it renders only the parts inside a black boundary, why is that? kindly help me with this.

  • The forum for discussing the Qt Digital Advertising Platform

    16 Topics
    40 Posts

    @nayka Can I use QtDigitalAdvertising on PC applications? Or is it only allowed for use on Android or iOS mobile devices?

  • For discussion and questions about Qt Insight

    9 Topics
    12 Posts

    Qt Insight 1.9 has been released. Qt Insight has new additions to the funnels and filters, allowing you to make deeper discoveries about your application usage. Two different funnel analytics, finer-grained geographic filtering options for regions, and many smaller improvements and bug fixes will enhance your insight.

    Read more details in the 1.9 release blog post.

  • Forum general guide

    13 Votes
    22 Posts

    @Nils-A said in Forum general guide:

    @AnneRanch seriously? That's five years ago, four years before you joined.

    Nor is it relevant to your question.

    @AnneRanch said in Forum general guide:

    This in not the place to make sermons or trying to push your social opinions.
    Here is a "how to " borrowed form another site

    This isn't "another site", this site has a code of conduct, which's been established, reviewed and approved by a number of people and it certainly isn't under debate in this thread. If you have a specific complaint about a specific person/post bring it to the attention of the moderators directly by flagging it/them.