If someone thinks that Qt is for mobile only than they clearly don't even know what Qt is.
And will this meaningless poll show the future of Qt? Really? (or are you spamming).
(This ignore member button is starting to look really attractive for me) :P
sorry if you think so , you can delete it
[quote author="Eddy" date="1309449046"]bq. is it bad to cheer someone?? everyone is saying him congratulation and cheering up. so what wrong i had done??
it's like congratulating somebody with his anniversary 5 months too late. Most of the time people don't like it somebody forgot their anniversary. ;) [/quote]
Good luck, guys. Are you waiting for N9 reception?
Android at the moment on mobile has been depicted as the equivalent of what Windows was for pc on 1990s: the only alternative to himself. Unfortunately, the market choose for us and today Android has been choosed. Open your eyes!
What do you intend with a good number of developers? Do you know numbers of Google oriented developers (aka Android oriented) or Apple addicted? Do you think we can reach this numbers?
Of course, I hope other vendors will look at Meego as an alternative. I.e. would you like to speak about WeTab? We cannot compare it whit iPad, Samsung tablet and the other supporting Android. I'm sorry.
Wow, Symbian supported till 2016? And then? Symbian is not so good today and it has no future. I'm 28 years old, I don't like to spent my time on a platform that will die, that has been public announced it will die!! Best alternative is the scenario within we all become strictly Windows addicted developers using Qt on our W7/W8/W9/... based Nokia? No, thanks.
Are you waiting for N9 reception? I'm waiting for an open source Qt port.
I like to develop using C/C++ and Qt and also using Java, and I like to develop desktop applications as mobile applications, so I'll develop using things the right way.
Thanks! The UX is a bit different now, as we made some pretty big changes between the filming and where we are today in order to make it blend tighter with the look and feel of the device. Still have got plans for future improvements, though!
A bout disrupting, when I hear the overall tone when Elop talks about Meego and the N9 in this leaked presentation of the Nokia Sea Ray Windows Phone, which by the way looks like the N9, I get the impression that they are more than surprised by the buzz around the N9 and Meego. The eventual success of the N9 might give Meego a new life inside Nokia. At least lets hope so...
"Nokia Sea Ray Windows Phone":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M1wC0pS_No