Qt headers in IOS Xcode project. Linking Qt libs.
I`ve created project in xcode and added header containing <QtCoreApplication> include. (and there are many others in the project),
though all goes good for MacOs. My XCode project cannot see qt libs. In macos that problem may be solved by adding QtCore.framework to project. But there no QtCore.framework for ios! And using that from clang_64 folder doesnt helps.Help, please!
Qt for iOS is a static build that's why you don't find any frameworks, the clang_64 folder contains the Qt build for OS X the iOS build is in the ios folder
@SGaist Sorry but how to link then to QT libs/use headers from xcode???
Just linking libqtcore.a lib to project doesn`t help.
I'd generate the Xcode project from a .pro file, that way you have everything setup for you