Send and receive strings with QTcpSocket
Hello, I have a project with a window which displays some numeric informations. This informations come from a tcp server so I tried to add a tcp client in my program with these lines below that is supposed to send a message to my server regarding to it, the message is not received, could I have some help please ?
My code ://Creation socket QTcpSocket socMeteo; socMeteo.connectToHost("",10001); //Envoi de donnees QTextStream texte(&socHauteur); //texte<<phrase<<endl; texte<<"Bonsoir"<<endl;
Thank you very much
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You are not checking whether the connection is successful, that would be the first step.
How is your server implemented ?
My server is at school so right now I'm using Hercule setup utiliy to simulate a tcp server
So how should I proceed to check if the connection is successful or not please ? I'm sorry I'm using QT Creator since April so I don't have a lot of knowledge -
This has nothing to do with Qt Creator. Qt Creator is just an IDE.
In any case, check waitForConnected
besides what @SGaist said about the connected state of your socket, this
QTcpSocket socMeteo;
is on the stack. My guess is, the QTcpSocket - object gets destroyed before the os has any chance of actually sending anything over the socket
QTcpSocket socMeteo;
QTextStream texte(&socHauteur);
These are 2 different sockets. What are you trying to do?
It should be something like:
auto socMeteo = new QTcpSocket(this); socMeteo->connectToHost("",10001); connect(socMeteo,&QTcpSocket::connected,socMeteo,[socMeteo]()->void{ QTextStream texte(socMeteo); texte<<"Bonsoir\n"; });