Can i publish android app based on qt open source for free?
I have a question if I would like to publish an Android application based on Qt Open Source (using qt quick, based on default build setings qt creator), I can do it without any fees? The application would have a publicly shared code on github whose link would be attached to the download page.
If so, could I add ads to her?
If so, can I request payment for download on google play?
If so, could I add a micropayment to it?New versions of qt do not support dynamic linking on the android...
@Linuxx Well, I'm not a lawyer!
I think you can do all this. If I understand you correctly your app will be open source, right? Open source does NOT mean that you cannot ask for money or place ads. You can even write closed source apps with Qt as long as you link dynamically against Qt."New versions of qt do not support dynamic linking on the android..." - that would be new to me! From where do you have this information?
" From where do you have this information?"
Creating Distributable APK Packages -> Note: Android 5 devices support only this option
Ministo doesn't work for Android 5+ ... so if the ministro does not work, I can't dynamically link libraries... truth?Yes, i want share my source code for everyone on github.
That's absolutely not related to static linking. Before, Ministro allowed to have a single installation of the Qt libraries on your device shared for all Qt applications. Android 5 new permissions disabled that option so you have to bundle the Qt libraries with your apk.