error: to_string is not a member of std while building an Android App.
Mobile and Embedded
I am building an Android application on Qt Creator 4.0.2 based on Qt 5.7.0 which uses third party libraries like SDL2, OpenSSL and FFMPEG. I built all those for Android platform and made .so and .a. I am using Android for armeabi-V7a. All files in project are in C++.
My Questions are as follows:-
Do I need files in my project directory? If yes, where would be its location? What would be its content?
What is difference between Ant and Gradle build?
I am getting error like this while building app. Error: ti_string is not a member of std.
Please help. I am new to Android App building on QT.
- No.
- Just different tool...
- to_string() is supposed to be supported by the compiler, but apparently NDK's compiler doesn't. You can implement it yourself, see
@mit_cruze You should use Gradle it is the default as far as I know. Ant can cause problems.