Qt 5.9 not working with Xcode 8.3.3
since i update my xcode to versiuon 8.3.3 Qt is given me an error if i try to deploy my app to my iphone:
TransferAppSession(735ce4b15d50aff430402d70b167f678d9577da8, ...app)Mount Developer Disk Image failed. Unable to fetch developer disk image path.
TransferAppSession(735ce4b15d50aff430402d70b167f678d9577da8, ...app)Running app "...app" failed. Mount developer disk failed.Any idea?
The Qt examples are also not working and running the app on Desktop is giving me the same error.
Looks like you run into this problem: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-18380
A workaround is written in the comments section.
as @Schluchti wrote - there's an easy workaround:
- find your Xcode APP
- right-click on the APP to get the content
- open Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport
- duplicate your 10.3.1 or so folder
- rename duplicated folder to 10.3
and it will work again :)
BTW: it's not Xcode 8.3.3 - it's iOS 10.3.x
running on iOS 10.2.x from Xcode 8.3.3 it would work without any changes -
@ekkescorner what about just creating a symbolic link ?
@SGaist you're right: would be better to use a symbolic link
haven't thought about this
(that's the drawback doing as most stuff as possible from IDE's instead of cmd line ;-)