Is it possible to have a window in a window?
that could be done with QMdiArea and QMdiSubWindow. -
The image upload is currently broken. See here for how to share images.
I know you said it is broken, but I can see the image. When you told me it was broken I cleared my cache, shut down mozilla and then restarted it, and the image still shows up in QT.Will however look at that link you posted for me.
You can see it without any problem for a while. However others might not be able to do that as it's the case now.
Then take a look at @Gerd class suggestions, they are what you are looking for.
I will look into QMdiArea and QMdiSubWindow.Thanks
PS. Found this tutorial. It is all in a foreign languge, but I got the gist of it, so QMidiArea is the one I need to use -
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