Using QtCharts with Yocto Project
I use QT with yocto project. I create a custom image like this. My custom image file has the following lines for qtchart.
qtcharts \ qtcharts-dev \ qtcharts-mkspecs \
This image was created successfully and i have install my raspberry pi. I prepared QTCreator for cross development like this. I am using very well this system using qtcreator 5.7. When i installing qtcreator i choose qtcharts and i install qtcharts. I run qtcharts examples on my Ubuntu desktop. When i use kit for raspberry pi, i cant import QTCharts library. I installed qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.7.0 qtcharts path for debug and release but thats not solved my problem. So I have reviewed the installation files and i saw the qtcharts library path is in
i have coppy QTChart and some files about qtcharts in modules to
After this step i can import QTCharts. But when i use ChartView my project abruptly close and the only feedback is
Process killed by signal
How can i run qtcharts in my raspberry pi.Sorry for my bad English.
are you sure that headers/libraries you have copied have same version as the rest of the Qt on RPi?
I use qt source 5.7.0 for charts library. Rpi QT version is 5.7.0 too. But i dont know charts library versions.
I also realized any other things for this error. When i try to import QTCharts library i wirte qt and after press ctrl + space. QTCreator doesnt show the QTCHarts library. This situation also seems trying to write version number. And i can write random version number like 9.5 for my QTChart import.
@Argprstest You copied QtCharts from your host (x86_64) Qt to the sysroot? That will not work. You need a QtCharts build for your target device (ARM).
I have remove all poky file in my opt path, after that i create image with "-c populate_sdk" command like this. Existed new .sh file in my sdk path. I have use that for create new poky path for cross development. The new file have a QTCHart library but that not solved my problem. When i use "ChartView", my program is still close by signal and QTCreator still cant show QTChart name when i use ctrl + space command.
I have downgrade my qtcreator version to 3.5.1. I can see program close signal the 3.5.1 qtcreator. The signal is
sh: line 1: 5653 Segmentation fault DISPLAY=':0.0'
My problem caused a bug about QGuiApplication. I simply put QApplication instead of QGuiApplication and my problem was solve.
Hi all!
I have the same issue, but i can not use QtCharts for BeagleBoneBlack., because of error1: error: Unknown module(s) in QT: charts
i also copied all QTChart and some files about qtcharts from Qt_opensource\5.7\msvc2015_64 folder into arm-linux-gnueabihf\sysroot\usr\local\qt5 folder, but unsuccessfully, QtCharts still unavailable
You have to cross-compile and install the module before you can use it.
You can't use x86_64 .dlls to link against an ARM built library/application.
Hi, sure, i understand.
when i cross-compiled qt for ARM - i did not see any options about QtCharts -
Compile it by hand.
mkdir build_qtchart cd build_qtchart /path/to/your/cross-compiled-Qt/bin/qmake /path/to/your/QtChart_sources/ make make install
where it exsists?
Wherever you downloaded Qt's sources.
@Argprstest This worked for me. Thanks!