iOS not receiving touchEvent at app start up
Yes please. Even if the recommended way to build mobile UI is QML, it's better to have that kind of stuff known.
@SGaist I've tested with 5.7.1 and 5.8. I'm very sorry but as a solo developer I don't (at the moment) have time to run those sort of regressions.
@SGaist I've got weird and horrible news.
I let my iPhone update to 10.2 (from 9.3) last night and now the problem doesn't occur!
These sort of things make me go... ARGH!
now i start qt basic programming,can i use c sharp .dl
l in qt programming ? -
@matthew-kuiash sure thing, I understand. Ok, so there was something going on with 9.3. I think it's still worth mentioning.
@Rameshguru Please don't highjack other people threads with completely unrelated questions, open your own threads.
@SGaist Done
Thanks for your help with this "heisenbug"
@SGaist how to use .dll any possibility is there
oh sorry ,i don't know
Since it's C# related, go to General and Desktop. On the top left there's a big blue button call
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