CAN BUS, SocketCAN cannot read CAN frames
General and Desktop
I have troubles reading CAN frames using readFrame() method.
My code for initialization:
#include <QCanBusFrame> #include <QCanBus> #include <QCanBusDevice> CANSend::CANSend(QString interface){ CANdevice = QCanBus::instance()->createDevice("socketcan", interface); if (!CANdevice->connectDevice()) {} }
code for sending data - everything works correctly
void CANSend::send_pos(uint16_t pos) { QCanBusFrame frame; frame.setFrameId(1024); QByteArray payload; payload[0]=0; payload[1]=pos>>8; payload[2]=pos; frame.setPayload(payload); CANdevice->writeFrame(frame); }
code for reading data
int CANSend::check_messages(){ const QCanBusFrame frame = CANdevice->readFrame(); const qint8 dataLength = frame.payload().size(); const qint32 id = frame.frameId(); return id; }
during debugging I always get
frame = @0x7fffffffdf10,
dataLength = 0,
id = 0,So, even though I can clearly see incomming packets via candump command and also in QT CANBUS example, I never receive anything.
Can you help me? Thanks.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
The module being pretty new (maybe even technical preview), I'd recommend posting this question on the interest mailing list. You'll find there QtCanBus developers/maintainers. This forum is more user oriented.