Error creating a QQmlComponent (resource not found)
Hi everyone.
I am having several problems porting a quick application from Android to Desktop.
In this process I must to change from .pro to CMakeLists.txt (I am working on ROS and I need to define a CMakeLists.txt).The problem is that I cant find the resources files when I try to compile with cmake. However I have not problems when I use the .pro file.
My system files:
|- Project |- CMakeLists.txt |- src/ |- main.cpp |- ... |- resources/ |- main.qml |- qml.qrc |- ...
The CMakeLists.txt contains:
In the Andoid version (working properly), i had put in my .pro:
[...] RESOURCES += resources/qml.qrc [...]
The .qrc file:
<RCC> <qresource prefix="/"> <file>main.qml</file> </qresource> </RCC>
And finally, in my code:
QQmlComponent component(&engine, QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml")));
The execution error is:
(qrc:/main.qml: File not found)
How do I to find the resouces files with cmake compilation?
Thank you so much,
jonyAL -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Did you already check the cmake manual from Qt's documentation ?
With cmake, there are three things you do (or at lest I do) to get the resources added.
So you :
- create the variable to hold the src file
- use the qt5_add_resources macro
- add the files from the qt5_add_resources macro to your executable (or library), as you would other sources.
Hope this helps.
I solved this problem.
I just added this lines in my CMakeLists.txt
qt5_add_resources(QT_RESOURCES_CPP resources/qml.qrc) add_executable(my_app src/my_app.cpp src/my_app.h ${QT_RESOURCES_CPP}) target_link_libraries(my_app lib1 lib2 ...)
The problem was that I was adding my reference to QT_RESOURCES_CPP in the target_link_libraries(...) instead of add_executable(...). For some reason this didn't work properly.
Thank you,