Bluetooth LE QT5.5 Windows 10 LowEnergyScanner HeartListener UnsupportedPlatformError
I'm a newbie to Qt, so please forgive my ineptitude.
I Installed Windows 10 Pro, Downloaded Qt5.5.0 for Building under VS2012 VS2013 and well as under MinGW, and compiled the LowEnergyScanner and HeartListener examples. Under all builds I get the same error UnsupportedPlatformError via the Device::deviceScanError callcack.I have tried two BTLE dongles, a Broadcom BCM20702 and a CSR dongle, both of which work with the (native) Microsoft BTLE framework, and indeed with Debian and Android running on a VirtualBox VM on the same machine (not using Qt there though).
If anyone could give me some advice I would be most grateful.
Thanks. Karel. -
Qt still does not support BTLE on Windows.
Any news about? And WHY it isn't supported?
And why should be it supported? As far I know, it is completelly community's feature, on enthusiasm of contributers. And Qt company do not care about yet (at least on near future). As I know, nobody wants to participate in development, all wants to use the ready stuff... So, you can see results...
BTW: But, you can take a code from the wip/win branch, where was added the BTLE support (by me), also was added partially support of classic BT by other guy.
If you want, you can help in development, e.g. as tester or developer...
@kuzulis And why should be it supported? As far I know, it is completelly community's feature, on enthusiasm of contributers. And Qt company do not care about yet
Perhaps I'm wrong - I apologize about that!
I thought Qt company SELLS the Qt framework. Then, there is also the LGPL "free" version. It seems different to me than other project community-based like buildroot for example. -
I'm with @kuzulis on that one.
I thought Qt company SELLS the Qt framework.
It sells commercial licenses for Qt which among few proprietary modules, closed source static builds, also allow for priority bug fixing. That aside Qt is mostly community driven. Now, it seems to me your premise that someone (else) should implement Win support is a bit ... faulty (for a lack of better word).
For example, although I personally don't care much about the mobile world, WinRT holds under 3% of the market share (by OS type), so I don't see why would the Qt company be interested in having that put as a priority ... By supporting Android and iOS they already provide for 95% of the market, which I suppose is enough for most people. You can of course always contribute, as @kuzulis suggested, if you feel WinRT support should be included ...
On the other hand, if you mean the Windows desktop, then again, Microsoft doesn't seem very interested in moving along with C++ and they appear to be focusing on their own .NET stuff. And here, while Linux holds a minor share of the market it has the advantage that Linux developers are really active and contribute much, while no one seems interested into pushing specifically for Windows, or if they do they want to be paid for it ... so you can see what the predicament is ...
Kind regards.