Embed qml View into iOS native app in Qt 5.4
Recently, I did find a methods to embed qml view into qt which is HybridQtIosApp.
It worked well in qt 5.3. However, Apple required developers to submit new apps that must support arm64 after Feb.2.
So I update qt to 5.4. Here comes the problem, touch event will never get response on the native controls (such as tabbar and UISlider). It just like the qtview layer cover the native controls.Is there any SOLUTION to solve the problem?
Thank you,all guys.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You can try to rebuild Qt 5.3 for both architectures.
However, if you have a simple example that shows what might be a regression then please go to the "bug report system":http://bugreports.qt-project.org and create a new report providing a minimal compilable example showing the behavior.
Thank you very much! I'll try that.
[quote author="SGaist" date="1420069297"]Hi and welcome to devnet,You can try to rebuild Qt 5.3 for both architectures.
However, if you have a simple example that shows what might be a regression then please go to the "bug report system":http://bugreports.qt-project.org and create a new report providing a minimal compilable example showing the behavior.[/quote]