Port QT App to embedded Linux Device
I believe im lacking some knowledge about qt developing in general, im trying to run a QT5 App compiled on my Ubuntu machine on a embedded Linux (Lubuntu on ARM Cortex-A7) device but it wont run. Couldnt find a solution for my questions yet.
This Article should answer my question, but i dont understand what is ment as it says existing QT Apps dont require porting:
_http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qt-embedded-differences.html _My Device is similar to the Raspberry PI ( Banana PI )
I dont understand either, what this article is about
Why are these steps required?
->_ http://qt-project.org/wiki/RaspberryPi_Beginners_guide_- Do i have to compile my QT App for embedded Lubuntu different? ( Cant i use my App compiled on Ubuntu?)
- Isnt Linux = Linux? I dont understand why it would require different Compilations, because isn't it the "same"?
Im sorry for being that unexperienced, im just starting QT (Im 18 :) )
Thanks in advance,
kind regards,
Timo -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
To be sure I'm understanding your correctly: you are compiling your application using your x86 distribution Qt and would like to run it on your ARM device ?
That won't work, you can't run x86 binaries on ARM. You first need to cross-compile your application.