Qt and PIC18
@ cezmen I think the question is more: is it possible to use Qt Creator in place of the Microchip IDE
"This thread":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/38076 might help
I see. But I'm really curious about why would anyone need that, since Qt framework is not supported on PIC 18 MCUs (low-end 8 bit microcontrollers with a maximum 4096 bytes of RAM for data and 128 Kbytes of flash for program). Qt Creator is excellent for designing Qt Widgets and QML Applications targeting high-end processors. Aside from that, it's just another IDE. I see no benefits on not using one of IDEs provided by Microchip in this case. Anyway, I wish good luck to anyone trying that. I would be gladly surprised seeing that this is possible and beneficial.