[SOLVED] signalMapper - mapped SIGNAL with custom Widgets
I'm trying connect a single dial with several custom widgets, according with which actual widget has been selected. Only one custom widget at a time can be connected to the dial.
I've succesfully solved it with signalMapper as referenced in "signalMapper documentation":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qsignalmapper.html.Here is my code:
QSignalMapper *signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
signalMapper->setMapping(widgetTest, (QWidget)widgetTest);
signalMapper->setMapping(widgetTest2, (QWidget)widgetTest2);connect(widgetTest, SIGNAL(mouseClickEvent()), signalMapper, SLOT (map())); connect(widgetTest2, SIGNAL(mouseClickEvent()), signalMapper, SLOT (map())); connect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(QWidget*), this, SLOT(slotMainWindow(QWidget*))); lastActiveWidget = NULL;
void MainWindow::slotMainWindow(QWidget *actualActiveWidget){
if(lastActiveWidget!=NULL){ qDebug("actualActiveWidget != NULL"); disconnect(dial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),lastActiveWidget,SLOT(setMainValue(int))); } lastActiveWidget = actualActiveWidget; connect(dial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),actualActiveWidget,SLOT(setMainValue(int)));
My doubt is about the mapped SIGNAL: it is only possible to have int, Qstring, QObject* or QWidget* as arguments, but i need to have MyCustomWidget as an argument. Because MyCustomWidget inherits QWidget, it is possible to have it running treating MyCustomWidget as a QWidget for the signals, but although it works, I am not 100% sure if it's correct to work like that, having consecuences in the future.
Does anybody knows if these approach is ok or should try another way?
Thanks in advance.
That's the correct usage of QSignalMapper. One thing though, don't use c-style caste with QObjects, you have qobject_cast for that. But in this case, you don't need any cast at all