[SOLVED] Compass on Android - Magnetometer values problem?
Hi, I have a short question:
According to this table: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/compatmap.html the compass feature is not supported for android systems
Therefore I think it is useless to use the QCompass class.
But I need a compass!According to the "QRotationReading Class":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qrotationreading.html#details , the values returned by this class does not give you a direction to the magnetic north.
So I have to use the QMagnetometer and QAccelerator class to build my own compass.
-Question: Is there something like the SensorManager RotationMatrix and getOrientation function available in Qt?-
-If not, should I implement it by myself or should I better use the function through JNI?-Maybe you have also some other ideas how I could easily build a compass in Qt.
I just decided to "convert" the needed java methods into c++.
Now I have another problem!You can find the following code snippet in the getRotationMatrix java method:
@public static boolean getRotationMatrix(float[] R, float[] I,
float[] gravity, float[] geomagnetic) {
// TODO: move this to native code for efficiency
float Ax = gravity[0];
float Ay = gravity[1];
float Az = gravity[2];
final float Ex = geomagnetic[0];
final float Ey = geomagnetic[1];
final float Ez = geomagnetic[2];
float Hx = EyAz - EzAy;
float Hy = EzAx - ExAz;
float Hz = ExAy - EyAx;
final float normH = (float)Math.sqrt(HxHx + HyHy + Hz*Hz);
----> if (normH < 0.1f) {
// device is close to free fall (or in space?), or close to
// magnetic north pole. Typical values are > 100.
return false;
@My problem is that "if (normH < 0.1f) " is always false. (I just added an arrow in the code to show you the line).
In my opinion the problem is that the magnetometer sensor returns values like this:
magn[]={ -6.9375e-06 , -9.125e-06 , 6.25e-06 }
magn[]={ -6.6875e-06 , -9.375e-06 , 6.5e-06 }
magn[]={ -6.1875e-06 , -9.375e-06 , 6.5e-06 }
magn[]={ -5.9375e-06 , -8.875e-06 , 6.5e-06 }
magn[]={ -5.6875e-06 , -9.375e-06 , 6.75e-06 }
magn[]={ -5.6875e-06 , -9.125e-06 , 6.75e-06 }
magn[]={ -5.9375e-06 , -8.875e-06 , 6.25e-06 }
magn[]={ -5.9375e-06 , -8.875e-06 , 6.5e-06 }
...with the acceleration values:
accel[]={ -2.10605 , 0.919373 , 9.61426 }
accel[]={ -2.1435 , 0.880215 , 9.65342 }
accel[]={ -2.1435 , 0.880215 , 9.61426 }
accel[]={ -2.10605 , 0.842759 , 9.65342 }
...normH is always something around this: normH = 0.000110721
So the getRotationMatrix function will always return false.Info: I'm using the QMagnetometer for the values shown as magn[]=...
setReturnGeoValues doesnt change something.
The magn values are with setReturnGeoValues(true).My questions are:
Is the magnetometer working properly?
Do I have to convert the "tiny" values into a different "electromagnetic unit" or something else? -
The problem was that Qt returns values in T and native android returns values in µT.
I just wrote an native Android Magnetometer app to verify that my sensor is working. Andorid returns values like: 3.??? or 5.???. Qt returns values like: 3.???e-06 or 5.???e-06
I dont know why Qt didnt wrote anything about the meausring units in their documentation... (Maybe I was too stupid to find it)
Android documentated the measuring units for every sensor. -
After a quick look I found the unit here "here":https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qmagnetometerreading.html#details
Hope it helps