OpenGL QWindow Example crashes on Android (SOLVED)
I'm tying to find out how to work with the QWindow, but it doesn't work on my android device.
Here is the error message:
@W/Qt ( 9120): kernel/qplatformintegration.cpp:252 (virtual QPlatformOpenGLContext* QPlatformIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext(QOpenGLContext*) const): This plugin does not support createPlatformOpenGLContext!@ -
The problem was caused by the missing Qt OpenGL Shared library (or shared object *.so). It should be bundled in the apk file. Check your "Run" configuration in "Projects" mode. There are should be check boxes with libraries names. OpenGL should be checked.
I went into the "Run" configuration and I don't see any check boxes for libraries. I'm using Qt 5.2 so maybe that has changed but I see a radio button that says "Bundle QT libraries in APK" which is checked. Then there is a list of "Additional Libraries "which I added
But I'm still getting the error. Perhaps I should open a new thread -
Interface of QtCreator 3.0 is slightly different and it doesn't contain the check boxes for libraries like it was in QtCreator 2.x. You can use "this manual":
Maybe your problem is not the same as I had.
I can advise you to make the next steps:
Check is your Qt version was built with OpenGL support
Check is your *.pro file contain QT += opengl
Check is your apk archive contain all necessary libraries (via a default archiver) -
I previously did not have QT += opengl, but after adding it, there is no effect (error still appears). I opened the .apk file and looked in the library directory and it looks like it contains all of the necessary libraries:
As for the last one, how can I check if OpenGL is supported? I'm using the 5.2.0 for Android (Windows 32-bit) installer from the main downloads page, I would assume that build has OpenGL support, but it's possible that it does not include OpenGL support.
I opened the OpenGL Window project and ran on Android, and it crashes with the same error. The only thing I can think of is that the Android binaries on the main download page were not built with openGL support for some reason. I suppose I can try compiling the android binaries with openGL support.
I used "Qt 5.2.0 for Android (Windows 32-bit)": and it really has the problem you are talking about.
I fixed it by adding "QT += opengl" in the file and rebuilt it.
After that it works just fine.