OpenGL QWindow Example crashes on Android (SOLVED)
The problem was caused by the missing Qt OpenGL Shared library (or shared object *.so). It should be bundled in the apk file. Check your "Run" configuration in "Projects" mode. There are should be check boxes with libraries names. OpenGL should be checked.
I went into the "Run" configuration and I don't see any check boxes for libraries. I'm using Qt 5.2 so maybe that has changed but I see a radio button that says "Bundle QT libraries in APK" which is checked. Then there is a list of "Additional Libraries "which I added
But I'm still getting the error. Perhaps I should open a new thread -
Interface of QtCreator 3.0 is slightly different and it doesn't contain the check boxes for libraries like it was in QtCreator 2.x. You can use "this manual":
Maybe your problem is not the same as I had.
I can advise you to make the next steps:
Check is your Qt version was built with OpenGL support
Check is your *.pro file contain QT += opengl
Check is your apk archive contain all necessary libraries (via a default archiver) -
I previously did not have QT += opengl, but after adding it, there is no effect (error still appears). I opened the .apk file and looked in the library directory and it looks like it contains all of the necessary libraries:
As for the last one, how can I check if OpenGL is supported? I'm using the 5.2.0 for Android (Windows 32-bit) installer from the main downloads page, I would assume that build has OpenGL support, but it's possible that it does not include OpenGL support.
I opened the OpenGL Window project and ran on Android, and it crashes with the same error. The only thing I can think of is that the Android binaries on the main download page were not built with openGL support for some reason. I suppose I can try compiling the android binaries with openGL support.
I used "Qt 5.2.0 for Android (Windows 32-bit)": and it really has the problem you are talking about.
I fixed it by adding "QT += opengl" in the file and rebuilt it.
After that it works just fine.