GPL and .ui file
General and Desktop
I understand that to use GPL you need to include two lines in every source file.
.ui file is generated by designer and it is actually a xml file.
Is ui file considered source file? Do I have to include these lines in them too?
What is the common practice? -
You can add:
<author> SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) year name_of_copyright_holder email_of_copyright_holder SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later </author>
Note that this is not specific to GPL. Whatever license you use, you shall make it known. There are several possible ways to do it. I would recommend following the SPDX format. It's simple to manage and you can use the reuse tool to help you ensure you have all what is needed in your software sources.