[HELP] : Android/iOS Vulnerability
Hi ,
I ran a simple pen test on an APK built with release configuration
And found out that building simple Hello world apk has some vulnerability , although it is rated as low risk , but still those findings were in medium riskPlease see below
What i can fix on this is the 1 2nd findings "Application data can be backed up" android manifest, what i cannot fix is the 1st and 3rd because i have no access on the code is the 3rd medium finding "Files may contain hardcoded sensitive information" because it was related on the QT default java codes , please see below
and has no idea on janus vulnerabilityhow can we fix this concern ?
If the developer works on the company that has strict policy this is something that needs to be fix first before releasing the app otherwise it will not be publish
i can fix the 1st finding "Janus Vulnerability" . but the 3rd still no ideas , but for documentation , please see below highlighted code that triggers the 3rd findingsQtActivityDelegate.java
okay got that , but theres a vulnerability on 5 files from the qt default java class that needs to enable the antitapjacking ,
you may test it in immuniweb to see it on your self, i think this is not a false positive because it can be prevented by adding the one line code on that.
Btw , ios has there own vulnerabilityadding the QT library on the simple app (empty /blank) also adds below immuniweb findings
Please @QT developer core team if anyone hear me ,
On android i can't convince them that the tapjacking protection findings is a False positive since they need a documentation atleast on QT Website that the said Vulnerabilities are false positive.
on ios , i can't convince them on random and srand function as well as on hardcoded data that it was a false positive , they need a documentation also on this.
Maybe someone can help me with this. thanks
@jhayar said in [HELP] : Android/iOS Vulnerability:
Please @QT developer core team if anyone hear me
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