How to send data to Serial Port in Qt Test
Mobile and Embedded
I am trying to write some integration tests around my serial device and it appears that i can't send data in my tests i get the following error message:
QWARN : Test::test_case3() QObject::startTimer: Timers can only be used with threads started with QThread
My Test case:
void Test::test_case3() { // MotorTest mt; // QThread* thread = new QThread( ); // mt.moveToThread(thread); // thread->start(); qDebug("MOTOR TESTS"); Motor motor; // // QThread::sleep(1); QTest::qSleep(1000); motor.motor_jog_accel(10); // / QTest::qSleep(1000); motor.motor_jog_decel(10); // // QTest::qSleep(1000); motor.motor_jog_speed(10); // // QTest::qSleep(1000); motor.motor_jog_enable(); // // QTest::qSleep(5000); motor.motor_jog_disable(); // // QTest::qSleep(1000); }
Here is some of the Code from the motor that is relevant:
#include "motor.h" #include <string.h> #include <QIODevice> #include <QDebug> Motor::Motor() { sp.setPortName("COM1");; } // void Motor::motor_send_command(char buff[], uint16_t buffLen) void Motor::motor_send_command(char buff[], uint16_t buffLen) { qDebug() << "SENDING: " << buff; char cbuff[50] = { '\0' }; strncpy(cbuff, buff, 50); snprintf(cbuff, 50, "%s\r", buff); sp.write(cbuff); } void Motor::motor_send_command(char buff[]) { qDebug() << "SENDING: " << buff; char cbuff[50] = { '\0' }; strncpy(cbuff, buff, 50); snprintf(cbuff, 50, "%s\r", buff); qDebug() << "ABOUT: " << buff; sp.write(cbuff); qDebug() << "SENT: " << buff; } void Motor::motor_set_accel(uint16_t accel) { } void Motor::motor_set_accel_max(uint16_t accel) { } void Motor::motor_start_jog() { } void Motor::motor_change_speed(uint16_t speed) { } void Motor::motor_set_decel(uint16_t decel) { } void Motor::motor_jog_accel(uint16_t accel) { motor_send_command("JA1000"); } void Motor::motor_jog_velocity(uint16_t velocity) { } void Motor::motor_jog_disable() { motor_send_command("SJ"); } void Motor::motor_jog_enable() { motor_send_command("CJ"); } void Motor::motor_jog_decel(uint16_t decel) { motor_send_command("JL1000"); } void Motor::motor_jog_speed(uint16_t speed) { motor_send_command("JS1"); } void Motor::motor_disable() { } void Motor::motor_enable() { } void Motor::motor_microstep_resolution(uint16_t resolution) { } void Motor::motor_set_direction(uint8_t direction) { } void Motor::motor_stop_jogging() { } void Motor::motor_velocity_max(uint16_t vmax) { }
Is there any way to be able to start the main test with QThread? I guess the interrupts used for the serialport are not able to start because of that?
Are you using QTEST_MAIN for your tests ?