QT Virtual Keyboard compile errors
Hello All,
I'm trying to compile QT virtual keyboard under Ubuntu. However, I see lot of compile errors related to import version number. The error is "package import required a version number". I used src/virtualkeyboard/virtualkeyboard.pro project.
QT Creator documentation says "A version number can optionally be added but is not strictly required in Qt Quick Ultralite". Is there a way I can make compiler ignore these errors. Any help is appreciated.
MG -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Which version of QtVirtualKeyoard ?
How did you get it ?
With which version of Qt ?
On which version of Ubuntu ? -
I downloaded the QT virtual keyboard source from git repo. git://code.qt.io/qt/qtvirtualkeyboard.git (dev branch)
I'm using QT creator 4.14.0-rc1 based on QT 5.15.2. OS is Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit.Is there any specific configuration that I need to make it work?
Thanks in advance.
MG -
This does not answer the Which Qt version question. The version used for Qt Creator has nothing to do with the one you use to build the module even if they match.
As for your issue, checkout the branch that matches the Qt version you are using to build the module. The dev branch is for Qt 6.
@madhug You should not use the dev branch but clone the branch that matches the version of Qt, for example if you are using Qt 5.15.2 then you must execute:
git clone -b 5.15.2 git://code.qt.io/qt/qtvirtualkeyboard.git cd qtvirtualkeyboard /path/of/qmake . make make install
Finally, I was able to compile the code from repository. Both QT and Qtvirtualkeyboard compiled successfully. The problem was there were two different versions of qmake. After using the correct one there was no problem.
One last question. How can i use or run virtual keyboard. I did all above steps (make, make install).
@madhug said in QT Virtual Keyboard compile errors:
One last question. How can i use or run virtual keyboard. I did all above steps (make, make install)
If your issue is fixed, now that you can build the Qt Virtual Keyboard please mark this post as solved and create a different post for that new question.
@madhug said in QT Virtual Keyboard compile errors:
One last question. How can i use or run virtual keyboard. I did all above steps (make, make install).
The use of Qt Virtual Keyboard is explained here.