Qt for android android version is 4.4,build wrong
while i build android 4.4 with android-20,see the below picture.when i build with android-27,build successful,but install with wrong.
@angelatyizhong I don't see any picture.
What is the device where you try to install? What is the Android version on this device? What error do you get? -
android device with android 4.4
@angelatyizhong API 27 is available starting with Android 8.x, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_version_history
So, it can't work on Android 4.4. -
but when i choose android-20,i can not build successful,the failure show as the picture.why?(sdk version:26.1.1,ndk version:21.2.6472646)
@angelatyizhong Because with Qt 5.14 you need API 21 or higher, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5.14/android.html
If you really need to support Android 4.4 use an older Qt version. -