Hot reload in PySide6
Can we have Hot Reload or Live coding for PySide6 based apps?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Do you mean something like the py-hot-reload project ?
@zer_0 what stack trace do you get ?
@SGaist was asking for a stack trace when it " unexpectedly quits", to try to see if that gives a clue as what the issue is. You will need to run your code in a Python debugger or even a C++ debugger to get that. You do mean that it is your code/script which exits, not the IDE you show, don't you? -
Since you are using PyCharm, take a look at this StackOverflow thread.
@zer_0 what if you don't use PyCharm ?
@SGaist No matter what code editor I use, the behavior is same. I run the code, then edit the or, after which it will crash and I get the message "Detected change in '(path of my project)' , reloading" from python3.12 as you can see in my screenshot [png].
The reason i'm not using qtreload is it's limitations.
Is there a way to debug the app on lower levels ? Or make the crashes more verbose ? -
@zer_0 Python comes with its debugger called pdb that you can trigger whenever you want in your code.