Reduce apk size in android Qt/Qml project
I using ArcGIS_Runtime_SDK_Qt_Windows_100_14_01sdk. Im using Qt Creator 7.0.2 Based on Qt 6.2.3 (MSVC 2019, 64 bit) and Kits Qt 5.15.2 (Android Clang Multi -Abi and MinGW 64-bit ) .We made an application that makes simple directions using ArcGISRuntime in Qml, so we get an apk output of 180 MB.
In our opinion, the file (.apk) size is too big for the user.How best to reduce apk size for users's download from Android Market ?Thanks
@tkoka Did you check what are the biggest files inside the APK?
Did you build in release mode? -
@tkoka did you also sign the apks? they are only striped of their debug stuff when officially signed
I haven't gotten to the signing stage yet. Does .apk size decrease after creating or adding existing keystore and certificate and clicking Sign Package?
@tkoka said in Reduce apk size in android Qt/Qml project:
Does .apk size decrease after creating or adding existing keystore and certificate and clicking Sign Package
noticeably, yes
I will write again when the signature part is completed. Thanks for information.
@tkoka well, its something. :/
But I also can't help but notice your lib folder contains 3 architectures, are you really checking the size of an apk or an aab ?
because thats normal, an aab contains up to 4 copied of your app, one for each supported platform architecture, the user will actually only download the one "optimal" for their system
I just created the file (android-build-release.aab) 145 MB is file. But as far as I understand, you are telling the user that it will decrease 3 times according to the system he/she uses. İn short, when the user downloads, the "optimal" system will be used and the size will be reduced.
@tkoka correct, that is the idea behind aab's
Google introduced that, so that the different app's can share common resources, for example images. Therefore overall reducing the size that google needs to provide to store all apps, but keeping the size for the user identical.
You as a developer now upload one massive aab instead of multiple smaller apk's