QT 5.15.0 install :
@hskoglund said in QT 5.15.0 install ::
My antivirus is the windows 10.
Nothing. As you can see : -
@dahu74fr So, it does not work even from command line.
I suggest to reinstall MinGW, most probably gdb is corrupted. -
@dahu74fr said in QT 5.15.0 install ::
If i have to reinstall it, where can i find it ?
Use the maintenance tool to uninstall and then install again MinGW.
To get more info, try downloading DebugView https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/debugview
Start it , open a CMD window and then try the same gdb.exe command as above -
@hskoglund OK. I downloaded it. I launch it. But where i open a CMD window ?
Hi start DebugView and let it run by itself. Then open a CMD window the same way you did before, and try to start gdb.exe again.
@hskoglund OK. But nothing. Isn't it for 32 bits debugview ?
Hmm you're running as an Administrator, try logout and login as a normal user.
@hskoglund I launched CMD as Administrator.
Now i launched it as User.
I am the only User on my computeur with Administrator rights.
I must launch Debugview as Administrator.
If not i have an error.
Now, it's the same result :
Ok, also check that the compiler works, in the same CMD window, type:
C:\Programmation\qt\tools\mingw810_64\bin\g++ -v
Edit: I forgot to ask, what error did you get when you tried to run DebugView as a User, not as an Administrator?
@hskoglund Yes. It works.
For information, i downloaded Mingw 8.10 64 bits. I install it and compare the two directories. The one in Qt and the one i installed. Every thing is the same.An other step i tried : i have CodeBlocks installed on my computer. I try to launch the gdb32.exe in the directory of codeblocks and it works. (Third screenshot).
I see, it might be the MinGW versions in CodeBlocks and Qt are fighting each other.
So try launch another CMD window, this time click on the start button and type mingw then select this CMD:
Note that it's called 7.3.9 but that's a typo, when you click on it it should show:
In this CMD window typegdb
Ok, looks good. try typing
in that CMD -
@hskoglund Nothing more :
I omited to tell you that i also tried to reinstall Qt in the path by default "C:\Qt" after a full uninstall (with deleting "C:\Users\Administrateur PC\AppData\Roaming\QtProject", thinking that it was a Path issue. But i had the same result.
Ok, but you have still have a Qt installed at C:\Programmation, right?
In that same CMD window, try again with
but first type:set path=C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\bin gdb
It doesn't works.
But it's normal because gdb.exe is not in the directory : "C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\bin".
It is in : "C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\bin". So i tried also.
Perhaps an issue of Path in the Qt configuration ! But i don't think so because it can launch G++.exe. -
Yeah, sorry I meant C:\Programmation\Qt\Tools\mingw810_64\bin.
Also, try this in the same CMD window as above: