QT 5.15.0 install :
Hi, not 100% sure, but it looks like you're trying to install a 64-bit compiler and debugger on a 32-bit Windows.
To verify this, open a CMD window and type
control system
what does it say for "System type:"? -
Just a guess, but in the rightmost column of the screenshot it says Type: "Not recognized", perhaps because Windows cannot run that .exe file due to its bit flavor.
@dahu74fr Can you post the screenshot of what is shown if you select the debugger? I mean in the lower part of the window.
@hskoglund I don't think so because i work under Windows 10 64 Bits.
Ok. Another guess: do you have any antivirus installed (I mean apart from the normal Windows 10 one)?
Edit: also. can you check the version of that gdb? If you open a CMD window and type:
(and type quit to quit the debugger)
@hskoglund said in QT 5.15.0 install ::
My antivirus is the windows 10.
Nothing. As you can see : -
@dahu74fr So, it does not work even from command line.
I suggest to reinstall MinGW, most probably gdb is corrupted. -
@dahu74fr said in QT 5.15.0 install ::
If i have to reinstall it, where can i find it ?
Use the maintenance tool to uninstall and then install again MinGW.
To get more info, try downloading DebugView https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/debugview
Start it , open a CMD window and then try the same gdb.exe command as above -
@hskoglund OK. I downloaded it. I launch it. But where i open a CMD window ?
Hi start DebugView and let it run by itself. Then open a CMD window the same way you did before, and try to start gdb.exe again.
@hskoglund OK. But nothing. Isn't it for 32 bits debugview ?
Hmm you're running as an Administrator, try logout and login as a normal user.
@hskoglund I launched CMD as Administrator.
Now i launched it as User.
I am the only User on my computeur with Administrator rights.
I must launch Debugview as Administrator.
If not i have an error.
Now, it's the same result :
Ok, also check that the compiler works, in the same CMD window, type:
C:\Programmation\qt\tools\mingw810_64\bin\g++ -v
Edit: I forgot to ask, what error did you get when you tried to run DebugView as a User, not as an Administrator?