Is there a way I can get my Video Card memory usage?
Are you looking for something like gpuz ?
@SGaist Yes. Can I make such a program using Qt?
The main stat I need is the GPU memory. -
Sure you can build such an application with Qt however the various video cards stats gathering is outside Qt's scope. You'll likely have to implement that kind of stuff for nVidia/AMD/Intel etc.
@SGaist Ok. Thank you. By the way, how I can set to run my curent program in background?
What do you mean by background ?
@SGaist a 'daemon' process.
@SGaist I mean, I want to run the app in background, so... I won't be able to see it on the main screen, but I will have an opportunity to open it from Hidden Icon menu. How I can achieve that?
So an application using a QSystemTrayIcon ?
@SGaist Yes that's what I need. Thank you.