compile error for ios from Qt but not with xcode
General and Desktop
I have an error when i compile a test application with a dummy button directly from QT with the auto detected ios sdk, and although the device is connected and correctly setup from the website
03:20:57: Running steps for project testmobileapp... 03:20:57: Starting: "/usr/local/Qt-5.12.0/bin/qmake" /Users/sherifomran/Desktop/testmobileapp/ -spec macx-g++ CONFIG+=iphonesimulator CONFIG+=simulator CONFIG+=qtquickcompiler Project ERROR: failed to parse default search paths from compiler output 03:20:57: The process "/usr/local/Qt-5.12.0/bin/qmake" exited with code 3. Error while building/deploying project testmobileapp (kit: QT Kit IOS 5.12) When executing step "qmake"
However, when i convert the code with qmake to xcode project, it works ! humm !
This is a test project with default project settingany idea?
How did you install Qt on your machine ?
I compiled it from source code
Out of curiosity, why ?
And do you also have the same problem with the pre-built version ?