Building a Qt Android AAR
I've found lots of great examples of building standalone Android applications, but there are no examples of building an android AAR. I'm basically looking to have an AAR that takes a SurfaceView (or some kind of drawing surface) and then draws Qt UI to that view. I've searched high and low and can't find any examples of this. Is this even possible?
to build an AAR instead of an APK simple replaceapply plugin: ''
withapply plugin: ''
in the build.gradle file.Regarding the Qt-into-SurfaceView feature, i don't know if thats straight forward possible. I think you will have to do some adaptions.
Take a look at the JAVA classes in<QTDIR>/src/android/java/src/org/qtproject/qt5/android/bindings
@raven-worx Thanks. I'll check it out. If I find a solution, I'll post it here.