Setting up a raspberry for remote development for running an application
Hello to all,
I worked with QT-Creator on my UBUNTU PC very well.
But now I crashed my LCD screen an I do not get a new identical one.
I bought a new on and now I try to run my application on a new installed Raspberry.
Now my real problem:
What must I setup on the Raspberry to run and debug the application without any errors.
Now I see the listening on port 10000
Remote debugging from host
Process /home/pi/Teleskop created; pid = 2187
Here I got more information:
When I run it on a Terminal
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ./TestL-Kuman-CD
./TestL-Kuman-CD: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ no version information available (required by ./TestL-Kuman-CD)
./TestL-Kuman-CD: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ no version information available (required by ./TestL-Kuman-CD)
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display
AbortedThats it.
I think i must configure the raspberry.
Please can you give me a hint what to do
Kirt -
No, the Qt version used to build Qt Creator has nothing to do with the version you are using to build your application.
Is your current RPi configured the same way as the other one ?
It should be possible to do on a Windows machine however it's way harder. You should then consider using a virtual machine with Linux running on it.
@K-Str said in Setting up a raspberry for remote development for running an application:
And how can I setup the qt version?
What do you mean ?
Hello SGaist,
thanks for your answer!
I have a basic question:
what about
Qt Creator 4.7.0
Based on Qt 5.11.1 (MSVC 2015, 32 bit)Erstellt am Jul 17 2018 04:27:33
Revision dedbb40f57
It seems it doeas not support a raspberry device. It says:
"The compiler RPI C++... cannot create a code for the Qt-Version "Qt5.11.1 ..."
See attached picture!
What does it mean Qt-Version (Raspberry) (x86-windows-mysys-pe-32bit)? -
Did you cross-compile Qt already ?
Hi SGaist,
yes and it worked fine.
But now I got a new LCD display and I need to change something because the graphic driver on the Raspberry have changed.
I got a new image for the Raspberry.
I need to know how to change the tool-chain on a host and raspberry.
Kurt -
What exactly did change ?
A graphic driver change doesn't imply a full toolchain change more likely a re-build of the Qt backend used for your application.
Due to the nature of the brcm chip on the raspberry one can not use the eglfs platform plugin with spi displays. You have to use linuxfb or run something to mirrow the hdmi out to the framebuffer of your spi display. Didn´t we talked about this some time ago?