Windows: linking debug vs. release .libs, strange error!
I create a DLL, both debug and release versions, but they have the same name (CFLite.lib), in debug/rlease directories
I then create a test app that links to it, both debug and release, which have different names ("CFTest" and "CFTest Debug")
in my qmake file, i specify them to link to "CFLite", in debug/release directories, the name INSIDE the directory is the same (as mentioned above).REL_DIR_CFLITE = win-CFLite$${BUILD_TYPE_SUFFIX}/$${build_type}/ message(CFLite Dir: $$REL_DIR_CFLITE) LIBS += -L$${DIR_OPENCFL}Qt/$${REL_DIR_CFLITE} -lCFLite
the message produced for release is:
Project MESSAGE: CFLite Dir: win-CFLite/release/
for debug is:
Project MESSAGE: CFLite Dir: win-CFLite Debug/debug/
so we know that's all set up nicely.
Linking the release app works. Attempting to link debug fails with this message:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'CFLite_Debug.lib'
But nowhere do i specify that the name of that lib ends with "_Debug"
indeed, in the generated make file ".../qt/win-CFTest Debug/Makefile.Debug", it specifies the correct path and name:
/LIBPATH:"..\..\..\..\CF\opencflite-476.17.2\Qt\win-CFLite Debug\debug" "..\..\..\..\CF\opencflite-476.17.2\Qt\win-CFLite Debug\debug\CFLite.lib"
which you can see in the first screen shot is in fact the correct path.
So WHY is the linker adding "_Debug" to the end of the file name for that lib? Where does it get that name?
My apologies. I found this in my code:
#if OPT_WINOS #ifdef kDEBUG #define kCFLiteLib "CFLite_Debug" #else #define kCFLiteLib "CFLite" #endif #pragma comment(lib, kCFLiteLib ".lib") #endif
which explains the whole problem, that was leftover from a different compiler, and i no longer need it!
Can you show your complete .pro file ?
QT -= qtcore QT -= gui message(------------------------------) #for(var, $$list($$enumerate_vars())) { # message($$var) # message($$eval($$var)) # message(------) #} TEMPLATE = app DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS DEFINES += _QT_ DEFINES += _CFTEST_ DEFINES += _MIN_CF_ DEFINES += _JUST_CFTEST_ CONFIG += c++11 macx { DEFINES += OPT_MACOS=1 # on mac, you can ONLY build 64bit, there is no 32bit compiler QMAKE_TARGET.arch = x86_64 } else { DEFINES += OPT_WINOS=1 # options: openssl | libressl ssl_edition = libressl } contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64) { DEFINES += __LP64__=1 build_depth = 64 } else { build_depth = 32 } CONFIG(release, debug|release) { build_type = release build_Type = Release BUILD_TYPE_SUFFIX = "" } else { build_type = debug build_Type = Debug DEFINES += kDEBUG BUILD_TYPE_SUFFIX = " Debug" } message(build_type: $${build_type}) message($${TARGET} $${build_depth}bit) DIR_PROJ = ../../ DIR_CFTEST = $${DIR_PROJ}../ DIR_SOURCE = $${DIR_CFTEST}source/ DIR_CF = $${DIR_CFTEST}../CF/ macx { QMAKE_LFLAGS += -F/Applications/ LIBS += -framework Carbon LIBS += -framework CoreFoundation LIBS += -framework ApplicationServices QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.7 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON += -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter SOURCES += \ $${DIR_CF}CFNetwork/NetServices/CFNetworkAddress.c HEADERS += \ $${DIR_CF}CFNetwork/include/CFNetwork/CFNetworkAddress.h } else { DEFINES += __WIN32__ DEFINES += _WINDOWS DEFINES += WIN32 DEFINES += _WIN32 DEFINES += _UNICODE DEFINES += UNICODE DEFINES += _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS DEFINES += _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS # calling convention: __cdecl QMAKE_CFLAGS += /Gd QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /Gd DIR_OPENCFL = $${DIR_CF}opencflite-476.17.2/ CONFIG(release, debug|release) { # mulithread dynamic link QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /MD LIBS += -lmsvcrt } else { # mulithread dynamic link QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /MDd DEFINES += _DEBUG LIBS += -lmsvcrtd } REL_DIR_CFLITE = win-CFLite$${BUILD_TYPE_SUFFIX}/$${build_type}/ message(CFLite Dir: $$REL_DIR_CFLITE) LIBS += -L$${DIR_OPENCFL}Qt/$${REL_DIR_CFLITE} -lCFLite LIBS += -lWs2_32 -lkernel32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -luuid -lodbc32 -lodbccp32 LIBS += -lcomctl32 INCLUDEPATH += $${DIR_OPENCFL}dist/include DEPENDPATH += $${DIR_OPENCFL}dist/include INCLUDEPATH += $${DIR_CF}CFNetwork/include } QMAKE_POST_LINK += python $${DIR_PROJ} QT $$build_depth $$TARGET $$ssl_edition INCLUDEPATH += $${DIR_SOURCE} INCLUDEPATH += $${DIR_SOURCE}headers INCLUDEPATH += $${DIR_SOURCE}shared INCLUDEPATH += $${DIR_SOURCE}main INCLUDEPATH += $${DIR_CF}CFNetwork/include/CFNetwork SOURCES += \ $${DIR_SOURCE}shared/CCFData.cpp \ $${DIR_SOURCE}shared/CCFError.cpp \ $${DIR_SOURCE}shared/CFBonjour.cpp \ $${DIR_SOURCE}shared/CFUtils.cpp \ $${DIR_SOURCE}shared/CNetHTTP.cpp \ $${DIR_SOURCE}shared/SuperString.cpp \ $${DIR_SOURCE}main/CFNetworkTest.cpp \ $${DIR_SOURCE}main/CFTest.cpp \ $${DIR_SOURCE}main/CFTestUtils.cpp \ $${DIR_SOURCE}main/CWebServerTest.cpp \ $${DIR_SOURCE}main/main.cpp HEADERS += \ $${DIR_SOURCE}shared/CCFData.h \ $${DIR_SOURCE}shared/CCFError.h \ $${DIR_SOURCE}shared/CFBonjour.h \ $${DIR_SOURCE}shared/CFUtils.h \ $${DIR_SOURCE}shared/CNetHTTP.h \ $${DIR_SOURCE}shared/SuperString.h \ $${DIR_SOURCE}main/CFNetworkTest.h \ $${DIR_SOURCE}main/CFTest.h \ $${DIR_SOURCE}main/CFTestUtils.h \ $${DIR_SOURCE}main/CWebServerTest.h \ $${DIR_SOURCE}headers/stdafx.h
Looks fine...
Do you have the same issue if you use qmake directly from the command line ?
By the way, which version of Qt are you using ? With which version of Qt Creator ?
i don't know how to use it from command line.
i'm on QtCreator 4.7.1, with Qt 5.11.1
IIRC, when you installed Qt, you should have gotten an entry in your Start menu with a set of command prompt shortcuts. Are they there ?
yes i have that, i click it and get this:
Setting up environment for Qt usage... Remember to call vcvarsall.bat to complete environment setup! C:\Users\davec\Developer\Qt\5.11.1\msvc2017_64>
Should i be worried about that "vcvarsall.bat" thing?
I'm assuming you're asking about the command line just as a test (to eliminate variables), and not as a solution. Sorry i don't know anything about doing it that way.
My apologies. I found this in my code:
#if OPT_WINOS #ifdef kDEBUG #define kCFLiteLib "CFLite_Debug" #else #define kCFLiteLib "CFLite" #endif #pragma comment(lib, kCFLiteLib ".lib") #endif
which explains the whole problem, that was leftover from a different compiler, and i no longer need it!
Glad you found out and thanks for sharing !