Using QScxmlStateMachine data model QML
I found an example of using Scxml in QML here:
The example is great, it lets you do the following:
import MyStateMachine 1.0 MyStateMachine { id: stateMachine } Light { id: greenLight color: "green" visible: // this is what I want to do, toggle visibility based on whether I am in a certain state }
... but it only seems to work if you instantiate your state machine in QML.
In my case, I have instantiated the state machine in C++, and am having trouble making the state machine properties visible to my QML code. The generated C++ code contains a Q_PROPERTY(bool some_state), but does not include getters, setters, or 'changed' signals for each of the states. So, when some event happens, the C++ state machine enters the correct state, but the QML code doesn't receive any signal, and my green light never turns on.
Is there some way I can make my C++ Qscxml state machine transitions visible in QML land?
Please show the code you use. Otherwise it's impossible to start helping you.