How to load multiple files from main.qml ?
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to create my first app, using qml, and I'm facing a wall :
I want to create 2 windows, both are done but as the code is quite long for each of them in one file + the connections, I wanted to separate them in two files. But I don't know how to load "win1.qml" and "win2.qml" at start from my "main.qml" file, loaded by my "main.cpp". How can I do that ? I could'nt find anything working on the web yet :(
Thanks for your help !
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You should take a look at the RSS Feed QtQuick example. It uses several separated components within the same source tree.
Hope it helps
Hi SGaist, thanks a lot.
I have found a solution in the meantime : I am using this and it works just fine ! (It takes few seconds to appear but I don't really care).
Nonetheless thanks a lot for your answer, I will take a closer look at it to find a better way to do what I want.Here's how I managed to do my file separation :
Timer{ running: true repeat: false onTriggered: { var componentA = Qt.createComponent("driverWindow.qml") if (componentA.status === Component.Ready) componentA.createObject(parent) var componentB = Qt.createComponent("graphsWindow.qml") if (componentB.status === Component.Ready) componentB.createObject(parent) } }
Have a good day !