Running a QML .exe file on Windows
windeployqt --qmldir D:\Qt\Qt5.12.0\5.12.0\msvc2017_64\qml ImWorkStation.exe
What I can confirm now is my program need to depend on some unoccupied non-dll at runtime, which exits in qmldir. -
When i said [your qml root path folder], it means your project folder path where are your qml files.Example:
D:\MyProjectNote: Use --force parameter if you already have old deploy files.
@KillerSmath Good, I changed to where my project's qml file is located, it works. You rocks!
I might have three more questions:- if my project's qml file locate two folder, how I should pass directory?
- just because the qml file needs to do this?
- Always confused. What are the non-occupied dependencies at runtime but is must when startup? I am targeting two folders: QtQuick\Controls and QtQuick\Extras
1- if my project's qml file locate two folder, how I should pass directory?If your project is organized as below then pass the project path because the qmlimportscanner will find all files inside the root folder.
- Project
- qml_1
- file_1.qml
- qml_2
- file_2.qml
- qml_1
2 - just because the qml file needs to do this? .qml files are loaded at run-time, it is necessary to deploy them together with the released application.
3 - Always confused. What are the non-occupied dependencies at runtime but is must when startup? I am targeting two folders: QtQuick\Controls and QtQuick\Extras
Depend on which qml files are loaded.
- Project
I think this is the final answer to this question.Thanks to @KillerSmath 's for your patience. Thanks also to kenchan.
By the way, last question(with a sly grin),what windeployqt provides is not all necessary, how deploy by the best concise? -
windeployqt not helping.
Qt_5_12_1_MinGW_64called windeployqt --quick . in directory with only one exe file
it created bunch of files (64 mb). "dir" output:28.09.2019 13:49 <DIR> bearer 11.03.2014 13:54 4 173 928 D3Dcompiler_47.dll 28.09.2019 13:46 78 848 Empty.exe 28.09.2019 13:49 <DIR> iconengines 28.09.2019 13:49 <DIR> imageformats 29.01.2019 07:27 24 576 libEGL.dll 19.03.2018 18:14 74 240 libgcc_s_seh-1.dll 29.01.2019 07:27 3 976 192 libGLESV2.dll 19.03.2018 18:14 1 425 920 libstdc++-6.dll 19.03.2018 18:14 52 224 libwinpthread-1.dll 14.06.2016 15:00 20 923 392 opengl32sw.dll 28.09.2019 13:49 <DIR> platforms 28.09.2019 13:49 <DIR> qmltooling 28.09.2019 13:49 6 354 944 Qt5Core.dll 29.01.2019 07:30 6 498 304 Qt5Gui.dll 29.01.2019 07:29 1 709 568 Qt5Network.dll 29.01.2019 07:58 4 193 280 Qt5Qml.dll 29.01.2019 08:02 4 087 808 Qt5Quick.dll 29.01.2019 07:52 346 112 Qt5Svg.dll 29.01.2019 07:34 5 649 920 Qt5Widgets.dll 28.09.2019 13:49 <DIR> styles 28.09.2019 13:49 <DIR> translations
but no changes. application not running.
thought the problem was in my code , tried same on maroon example got same result.