QCA problems when decrypting data from php
I am encrypting data from php and store the data to my db here is the function i use to crypt in php
function encrypt($data, $key, $iv) { return openssl_encrypt( $data, 'AES-256-CBC', $key, 0, $iv ); } // Here is how i use it $email = encrypt($email, $key, $iv); // iv is a 124 character long string generated randomly with a-zA-Z0-9 chars
Now when i get the data back from the database on my Qt app here is what i get
Name: £»] Email: HþÔ7Þ†Ç`}3™b_$ßïóøb2Û]Å // Some chars are not visible
This is what i am supposed to decrypt so i retrieve the iv from the database and use the unhashed password the user did input to decrypt
QString KLogin::decrypt(QString data, QString key, QString iv) { // Data = the encrypted input (i loop threw the values to decrypt), key = user password, IV = what i received from the db earlier QCA::Initializer init; QByteArray get; QCA::SecureArray secured; QByteArray temp = key.toLatin1(); QCA::SymmetricKey pass = QCA::SymmetricKey(temp); temp = iv.toLatin1(); QCA::InitializationVector iv_f = QCA::InitializationVector(temp); temp = data.toLatin1(); secured = temp; QCA::Cipher bf(QString("aes256"), QCA::Cipher::CBC, QCA::Cipher::NoPadding , QCA::Decode, pass, iv_f); get = bf.process(secured).toByteArray(); QString decrypted = get; return decrypted; }
I know my code is very dirty i apologize, i have been trying stuff for 5hours, and i tried to look up for the doc, but the doc i found is not really helpful...
I'm sure i'm getting the right data since i have some std::cout set to output values and here is what i getIV value = 8lfSciaaaW1ZttTgWn4E616VsXnmEsUMOaE1sPbDLcCeFvvCTzgZBnU3lipZLkMzurBWgMA1YcgEHLgBlxAWVv0hOpgzK29etKbKxLLwX1aFNrg8ZR4Vn4cbutLe Key value = kosta Data balue = £»] // Some stuff doesn't show on the website but i have the weird characters in my console.
Weird thing is that on the decryption output if i change QCA::Cypher::DefaultPadding i get nothing and with NoPadding i get
you can notice the l.com with is obviously a part of my email address. Would you have an idea on how to fix this ? If you do not want to waste your time but you do know where to find useful documentation i would love to see it![EDIT]
Just a quick edit to say that i already tried and yes aes256 is working -
First thing to do: use only QByteArrays, QString stores data in UTF-16 so you are doing useless and maybe disruptive conversions.
Since I don't know how you are communicating with your database nor how it's setup I can't help more.