Retrieving database data to qtablewidget
I am new to qt programming! I found a video tutorial in which data is being retireved to a qtableview! But since I am new model view programming seems to be bit complex! The following method is ueds to retrieve data to a qtableview(It works)!
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_4_clicked()
MainWindow conn;QSqlQueryModel * modal = new QSqlQueryModel(); conn.connOpen(); QSqlQuery* qry = new QSqlQuery(conn.mydb); qry->prepare("select user from usertable where NAME='" +ui->textEdit->toPlainText()+ "'"); qry->exec(); modal->setQuery(*qry); ui->tableView_2->setModel(modal); conn.connClose();
conn is used to provide the database connection! How can I change the above method to retreive data to a qtablewidget? -
@Lasith Using QTableWidget would be even more complex as you would need to fill the table manually parsing the query result. But if you really want then see here:
QSqlQuery query("SELECT country FROM artist"); while ( { QString country = query.value(0).toString(); doSomething(country); }
With query.value(0) you get value of first column, with query.value(1) the value from second and so on. Use to set each cell.
As in QTableWidget the setModel method is private you cannot use the model directly for setting data into a QTableWidget.
One possible solution would be that you add every single cell of the table as a QTableWidgetItem by hand.
In my opinion this solution would be more complex than working with models.BTW: the code you posted as a sample is not really worth to mention.
e.g. every time you press your pushbutton4 a new model will be allocated and never released!regards
Karl-Heinz -
To add to @karlheinzreichel, there's no need to allocate QSqlQuery on the heap like you do. Just put it on the stack.
You can use QSqlTableModel instead to do this.
//create a database object
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(driver, name);
db.setDatabaseName(database_path);;//bound the database to the QSqlTableModel
QSqlTableModel *model = new QSqlTableModel(this, db);
model.setTable(table_name);;//Now you can retrieve data from the database via the model
QModelIndex idx = model.index(row, column);;For details, you can search the official reference online or in QtCreator:
Ctrl + K,
then type: ? QSqlTableModel.