[Solved]tab size
Im facing a little trouble as to how arrange the GUI elements. I have a form in which a calender is created with each date as a push button.
I need somethin like three option button at the top to go to three different menus, somethin like a tool bar with icons. Can we use the system buttons like those provided by samsung? Or using a tab widget is better.
I pulled in a default tab widget. But i cant change the size of each tab in the designer.
I think "this snippet":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/CustomTabBar is usefull for you.
Thanks eddy,
i have managed to use the tabs. i have put a tab widget named tabWidget with 3 tabs to an already existing form using the designer
The problem is, the calender is displayed in all the three tabs. i jus want it to be there while clicking any one of the tabs
Or do i have to create a tabwidget manually than using the designer?????????????
this is how i have created the calender buttons
for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
for(int j=0;j<7;j++)
{cellBut[i][j]=new QPushButton(this); connect(cellBut[i][j],SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(onClickAction())); cellBut[i][j]->setFlat(true); } }
alfah -
I have already made a calender, in the sense, somthing like a custom calender.
and the tabwidget is jus the default designer one.
I cant figure out how to put the buttons/calender as whole on to the tab :(I have used
ui->setupUi(this);initMemberVariable();// here buttons are created- 30/31 days initMonthYear();// defining each month initWeekDay();// arranging the week display createLayout();// arranging the whole layout
CalenderForm::CalenderForm(QWidget *parent): QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::CalenderForm)
ui->setupUi(this);initMemberVariable(); initMonthYear(); initWeekDay(); createLayout();
@this class has few other functions defined too.
could u elaborate on ur earlier explanation, i could not follow :(alfah
#define CALENDERFORM_H#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QDate>
#include <QtGui>
namespace Ui
class CalenderForm;
}class CalenderForm : public QMainWindow
Q_OBJECTpublic: explicit CalenderForm(QWidget *parent = 0); virtual ~CalenderForm(); private: Ui::CalenderForm *ui; int monthValue; int iArrCycleStage[6][7]; int iArrDates[6][7],ht,wd; QString strArrayNotes[6][7]; QDate selectedDate; QGridLayout *controlsLayout; QLabel *monthDisplay,*yearDisplay,*weekDisplay[7]; QHBoxLayout *weekLayout; QPushButton *cellBut[6][7],*button; QLabel *pLabelDateDisplay,*pLabelStatus; QString strPreviousSelection;
private slots:
As I said I would subclass from QWidget.
In Qt Designer you can put a QWidget in the tab you like as a placeholder and then promote it to your CalenderForm. When compiling the QWidget will be considered as a CalenderForm and shown that way.
Here is a "similar topic":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/8334/#48778 on how to promote a QFrame to a custom widget. Use a QWidget instead and your CalenderForm.
have a look at "this example":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/dialogs-tabdialog.html . it uses a QTabWidget and a class derived from QWidget to populate it.