PyQt Designer / Developer plugin to support a full Python GUI compile / edit REPL loop
Has someone created a plugin for Python developers to integrate IDE functions, i.e., design and develop GUIs with program logic using QT Designer. This means do the design, save the .ui file, compile the file, and display it, modify it, add user code for business logic, manage project files. I want to make the process faster, easier, INTERACTIVE and iterative process ? Right now it is still a batch process, and is more tedious than necessary to spawn out to command line, run pyuic4, etc., and then insert user code. With plugins for the compile step and managing project files, this process would be much closer to what we can do with VisualStudio, Eclipse, and other IDEs. Perhaps people think this is beyond the scope of "DESIGNER", and is more like QT GUI / Application Developer. I am new to this community so I am just learning what's available and how things work.
Thank you.
Rich Dev
I haven’t come across anything that fits your needs exactly. But there is this software I found (MD Python). It definitely fits your needs of making GUIs faster, easier and more interacted. It uses drag and drop to place GUI element that are premade. You can generate all of this into python code if you want to add your own flair or speciality. The link for the software is , however it offers a limited amount of GUI components. The other one (MD Python Designer) is around $10-20 and it’s got unlimited GUI use (here’s the link ). I think you’ll find the Python GUI Designer link more useful ( as it shows the Designer in more depth. Slightly off-topic but they also have a GUI Designer that uses their own code, and from what I can gather it’s similar to C++ code and looks to need less lines of code but it’s not really my style, maybe it interests you: here’s the link for it .