Expose 'enum QTextToSpeech::State' in QML
Hi there
I am not so much of a QT/C++ buff. Hence, sorry for struggling with the obvious.
Well, I got stuck trying to react on speech states in QML. Because the emittedenum QTextToSpeech::State
is not registered with QML. Please have a look at the snippets below. And most of all, thank you in advance for your hints and helpers!in main.cpp I have: // load speech module -------------------- QTextToSpeech* speech = new QTextToSpeech; speech->setLocale(QLocale(startLocale)); // load the QML engine -------------------------- QQmlApplicationEngine engine; // making the speech synthesizer class available in QML engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("speech", speech);
then in main.qml Connections { target: speech onStateChanged: { console.log("current state: changed!"); // stateChange triggers console.log("the state: "+ speech.state); // but the state type is not recognised } }
This produces the following console output: qml: current state: changed! QMetaProperty::read: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'State' for property 'QTextToSpeech::state'
I figured, I must register the
in QML. So I added the following line to main.cppqmlRegisterUncreatableType<QTextToSpeech::State>("QTextToSpeech", 1, 0, "state", "Error: Class uncreatable");
But that gives the following errors, which are too cryptic for me:
Development/Qt/5.8/clang_64/lib/QtQml.framework/Headers/qqml.h:141: error: no member named 'staticMetaObject' in 'QTextToSpeech::State' QML_GETTYPENAMES ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Development/Qt/5.8/clang_64/lib/QtQml.framework/Headers/qqml.h:89: expanded from macro 'QML_GETTYPENAMES' const char *className = T::staticMetaObject.className(); \ ~~~^ main.cpp:43: in instantiation of function template specialization 'qmlRegisterUncreatableType<QTextToSpeech::State>' requested here qmlRegisterUncreatableType<QTextToSpeech::State>("QTextToSpeech", 1, 0, "state", "Error: Class uncreatable"); ^
And, if there were no errors in C++, I would add an import statement to main.qml
import QTextToSpeech 1.0
hi there, this is still open for me.
asked another way, does anyone know how to use QTextToSpeech states in QML?
thx a lot -
IIRC, Q_DECLARE_METATYPE and its friend qRegisterMetaType should be used for that.
The first one to make the enum known to the meta type system and the second one to use it with signals and slots.
Thanks a zillion. For the record:
qtexttospeech.h already has on line 118
Hence, what's missing is the qRegisterMetaType part. Which I am adding in main.cpp before the QTextToSpeech module is loaded.
qRegisterMetaType<QTextToSpeech::State>("State"); QTextToSpeech* speech = new QTextToSpeech;
Then, in main.qml, I am catching the state changed signals and the state like this:
Connections { target: speech onStateChanged: { console.log("speech.state "+ speech.state); if (speech.state == 1){ console.log("--- we are speaking! ---"); } else if (speech.state == 0){ console.log("--- speaking stopped! ---"); } } }