Assistance Needed Understanding Direction in Install Qt5 on Ubuntu Tutorial
Good evening all,
I have been trying to install Qt 5.9.0 on Kubuntu 17.04. I have been using the Tutorial: Install Qt5 on Ubuntu for direction and guidance, but I have hit a stumbling block and I am in need of someone experienced with the installation of Qt5 on Ubuntu to clarify and expand on the direction that states:
Open file mimeapps.list and check if the following line is present: application/ if it is not, add it under [added Associations].
I opened the mimeapps.list file, but the line was not present. That's the point at which I was stymied. It sounds as though what needs to happen is to create an association between the .desktop file I created as directed and this application ''. However, try as I might I have been unable to identify the directory where this mythical application resides. Again, common sense and better judgment says it is going to be found with the directory where the newly installed Qt 5.9.0 was installed (which I chose to leave as the default value, but do you suppose I can remember what the default installation path is?).
I'm hoping one of you more experienced hands with Qt and Ubuntu will take a little pity on a newbie who is greener than even the grass, and help him up the path toward knowledge a bit.
Can you post a link to that tutorial?
Judging from the name "nokia" there, I guess you have stumbled upon some very old tutorial (Qt and Nokia have parted ways ~6 years ago).
If that tutorial is about installing Qt 5.9, then all you need to do is:
- run
sudo apt install build-essentials
- download installer from
- run the installer (you may need to make it executable first). You can safely skip the login step
- done :-) It's installed and ready
- run
@sierdzio said in Assistance Needed Understanding Direction in Install Qt5 on Ubuntu Tutorial:
Can you post a link to that tutorial?
Judging from the name "nokia" there, I guess you have stumbled upon some very old tutorial (Qt and Nokia have parted ways ~6 years ago).
I'm guessing the tutorial is
From the edit history, it's a very old tutorial that was partially updated to Qt 5.7. The update does not seem complete, hence the reference to Nokia.
If that tutorial is about installing Qt 5.9, then all you need to do is:
- run
sudo apt install build-essentials
- download installer from
- run the installer (you may need to make it executable first). You can safely skip the login step
- done :-) It's installed and ready
- run
sudo apt install libglu1-mesa-dev