Problem with getting icons for applications
Hi! I want to get icons for all installed applications (using registry) on Windows. The problem is:
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QList<QIcon>' (Make sure 'QList<QIcon>' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
How to fix it? Thanks in advance.
@Cobra91151 What are you trying to connect to what?
I'm connecting data from
classQThread *programsThread = new QThread(); Worker *programsWorker = new Worker(); programsWorker->moveToThread(programsThread); connect(programsWorker, &Worker::appData, this, &Test::setAppData);
QList<QIcon> programIcons; emit appData(programIcons, displayNames, displayVersions, publishers, installLocation, uninstallLocations);
and in
class setting data inQTreeWidgetItem
)void setAppData(QList<QIcon> icons, QStringList names, QStringList versions, QStringList publishers, QString installLocation, QStringList uninstallLocations);
@Cobra91151 The error message actually tells you how to fix: "Make sure 'QList<QIcon>' is registered using qRegisterMetaType()".
See here for details:
It should be enough to do it for QUcon, QList should already be supported. -
So I should use this function like:qRegisterMetaType<QIcon>("QIcon");
But where to initialize (call) it (in
or inTest
class)? Thanks. -
@Cobra91151 where you do the connection
void Test::appProgramsThread() { qRegisterMetaType<QIcon>("QIcon"); try { QThread *programsThread = new QThread(); Worker *programsWorker = new Worker(); programsWorker->moveToThread(programsThread); connect(programsThread, &QThread::started, programsWorker, &Test::programsData); connect(programsWorker, &Worker::appData, this, &Test::setAppData); connect(programsWorker, &Worker::noAppsData, this, &Test::allApplicationsEmptyData); connect(programsWorker, &Worker::appDataReady, this, &Test::setAppLogData); connect(programsWorker, &Worker::finished, programsThread, &QThread::quit); connect(programsWorker, &Worker::finished, programsWorker, &Worker::deleteLater); connect(programsThread, &QThread::finished, programsThread, &QThread::deleteLater); programsThread->start(); } catch (...) { QMessageBox::critical(this, QObject::tr("Error"), QObject::tr("An error has occurred with detecting programs!")); } }
Also I have tried to call it in
function but it doesn't work. The same issue:QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QList<QIcon>' (Make sure 'QList<QIcon>' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
. -
@Cobra91151 Sorry, actually you should use
But I'm wondering why it is not working out of the box for QIcon as it is Qts own class.
I have declare it in a header file (
) where I make a connectionclass Test : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: Test(); signals: public slots: void setAppData(QList<QIcon> icons, QStringList names, QStringList versions, QStringList publishers, QString installLocation, QStringList uninstallLocations); private: }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QIcon)
The same issue is still present.
When I use in
classclass Test : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QIcon) ....
I get errors:
error: C3412: 'QMetaTypeId<QIcon>': cannot specialize template in current scope
I'm using
Qt 5.7.1
(Win 10).
So, where to initialize it? Thanks. -
Problem solved:
I have changed code to:
and it works now.