Extending QSqlRelationalTableModel
I 'm trying to extend QSqlRelationalTableModel, in order to try make some changes, e.g return two fields:
model->setRelation(clientIndex, QSqlRelation("clients", "id", "firstname,lastname"));
The above code returns only the first field.
I want to make it return both fieds, firstname and lastname.What I 've done so far (my class is named QSqlRelationalTableModelB):
qsqlrelationaltablemodelb.h#ifndef QSQLRELATIONALTABLEMODELB_H #define QSQLRELATIONALTABLEMODELB_H #include <QtSql/qsqlrelationaltablemodel.h> class QSqlRelationalTableModelB : public QSqlRelationalTableModel { Q_OBJECT public: explicit QSqlRelationalTableModelB(QString text, QSqlRelationalTableModel *parent = 0); }; #endif // QSQLRELATIONALTABLEMODELB_H
#include "QSqlRelationalTableModelB.h" QSqlRelationalTableModelB::QSqlRelationalTableModelB(QString text, QSqlRelationalTableModel *parent) : QSqlRelationalTableModel(parent) { QDebug() << "QSqlRelationalTableModelB!!!" }
I create a new instance of the class like this:
RTMB = new QSqlRelationalTableModelB("hi", this);
But when I build it, I get an error:
error: C2664: 'QSqlRelationalTableModelB::QSqlRelationalTableModelB(QString,QSqlRelationalTableModel *)' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'RepairDevices *const ' to 'QSqlRelationalTableModel *' Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
VRonin, I made the change you suggested, but now I get another error:
repairdevices.obj:-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall QSqlRelationalTableModelB::QSqlRelationalTableModelB(class QString,class QObject *)" (??0QSqlRelationalTableModelB@@QAE@VQString@@PAVQObject@@@Z) referenced in function "public: __thiscall RepairDevices::RepairDevices(void)" (??0RepairDevices@@QAE@XZ)
jsulm you 're right, I hadn't.
Idid, and now my files are:qsqlrelationaltablemodelb.h:
#ifndef QSQLRELATIONALTABLEMODELB_H #define QSQLRELATIONALTABLEMODELB_H #include <QtSql/qsqlrelationaltablemodel.h> class QSqlRelationalTableModelB : public QSqlRelationalTableModel { Q_OBJECT public: explicit QSqlRelationalTableModelB(QString text, QObject *parent = 0); }; #endif // QSQLRELATIONALTABLEMODELB_H
#include "QSqlRelationalTableModelB.h" #include "QDebug" QSqlRelationalTableModelB::QSqlRelationalTableModelB(QString text, QObject *parent) : QSqlRelationalTableModel(parent) { qDebug() << "QSqlRelationalTableModelB!!!" }
But now I get the error:
repairdevices.obj:-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall QSqlRelationalTableModelB::QSqlRelationalTableModelB(class QString,class QObject *)" (??0QSqlRelationalTableModelB@@QAE@VQString@@PAVQObject@@@Z) referenced in function "public: __thiscall RepairDevices::RepairDevices(void)" (??0RepairDevices@@QAE@XZ)
I took a look in the file qsqlrelationaltablemodel.
As you see, it 's the 5.0.2 version because I use Qt 5.0.2.
As you also see, it has 749 lines of code...
I 'm a little bit desperate...:) -
I 'm trying to override function setRelations.
#ifndef QSQLRELATIONALTABLEMODELB_H #define QSQLRELATIONALTABLEMODELB_H #include <QtSql/qsqlrelationaltablemodel.h> class QSqlRelationalTableModelB : public QSqlRelationalTableModel { Q_OBJECT public: explicit QSqlRelationalTableModelB(QString text, QObject *parent = 0); virtual void setRelation(int column, const QSqlRelation &relation); }; #endif // QSQLRELATIONALTABLEMODELB_H
#include "QSqlRelationalTableModelB.h" #include "QDebug" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QSqlRelationalTableModelB::QSqlRelationalTableModelB(QString text, QObject *parent) : QSqlRelationalTableModel(parent) { qDebug() << "QSqlRelationalTableModelB!!!"; } void QSqlRelationalTableModelB::setRelation(int column, const QSqlRelation &relation) { Q_D(QSqlRelationalTableModelB); if (column < 0) return; if (d->relations.size() <= column) d->relations.resize(column + 1); d->relations[column].init(this, relation); } QT_END_NAMESPACE
I get quite a few errors:
...\qsqlrelationaltablemodelb.cpp:14: error: C2065: 'QSqlRelationalTableModelBPrivate' : undeclared identifier ...\qsqlrelationaltablemodelb.cpp:14: error: C2059: syntax error : 'const' ...\qsqlrelationaltablemodelb.cpp:17: error: C2065: 'd' : undeclared identifier
And a few more...
is the d-pointer expansion macro. Long story short, to use that with the private object of the relational table model Qt has, you need to create one additional class that inherits fromQSqlRelationalTableModelPrivate
(QT += sql-private
) and implement a constructor that passes an instance from the inherited private class to the parent class, i.e.QSqlRelationTableModel
. Now, that's hacking into the Qt's internals (which is not documented and breaks binary compatibility) and I'm not completely convinced you really need it. What exactly are you striving to accomplish?I think you actually want to use
instead. -
I 'm trying this which I describe in my first post:
@Panoss said in Extending QSqlRelationalTableModel:
I 'm trying to extend QSqlRelationalTableModel, in order to try make some changes, e.g return two fields:
model->setRelation(clientIndex, QSqlRelation("clients", "id", "firstname,lastname"));
The above code returns only the first field.
I want to make it return both fieds, firstname and lastname. -
@Panoss said in Extending QSqlRelationalTableModel:
I 'm trying this which I describe in my first post
Yes, I read it, but I didn't understand. Do you mind explaining further? What do you want to return both fields? How would this in your mind work (i.e. how is one relation going to be associated with two tables? And what code returns only the first field, it's just not clear.
I have 2 tables:
- devices (fields: id, brand, client_id). The 3nd is foreign key.
- clients(with fields: id, firstname, lastname).
They are connected with devices.client_id = client.id.
When a device is displayed, I want to be also displayed firstname and lastname from clients.
What about using a proxy model that would put these two fields together ?
I restart this topic (as I had been distracted by other parts of the code):
I 'm trying to make it with QSortFilterProxyModel (I hope this is the correct way).
Let me remind you what I'm trying to acomplish:I have 2 tables:
1. devices (fields: id, brand, client_id). The 3nd is foreign key. 2. clients(with fields: id, firstname, lastname, address). They are connected with devices.client_id = client.id.
This is how I make the model ('model' is the model for devices):
model = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this); model->setTable("devices");
When a device is displayed, I also display lastname from clients in a combo with this code:
QSqlTableModel *relClientModel = model->relationModel(clientIndex); ui.client_id_cbo->setModel(relClientModel); ui.client_id_cbo->setModelColumn(relClientModel->fieldIndex("lastname"));
So, how can I display and firstname and address from clients in two textboxes?
Like a master/detail form, where master is 'devices' and detail is 'clients', showing one client only (while, usually, in detail we have a list).
Finally, it was proved to be a lot simpler, using the model of the combo:
row = ui.client_id_cbo->currentIndex(); QModelIndex idx = ui.client_id_cbo->model()->index(row, 0); // first column QString client_firstname = idx.sibling(idx.row(), 1).data().toString(); QString client_address = idx.sibling(idx.row(), 3).data().toString(); ui.client_firstname_txt->setPlainText(client_firstname); ui.client_address_txt->setPlainText(client_address);