IrisGL alpha code up
So we are pleased to say that we have the first alpha of IrisGL up on GitHub with full Oculus support :) it is based on Qt and QOpenGL so builds and integrates neatly into your Qt projects. While it still has a long way to go its a easy plugin replacement or Qt3d and doest not reply on commercial support from KDAB to get help...
Please check it out - the beta release is a few weeks off but feel free to jump in and help out as its LGPL so anyone can get involved... we will soon get a community site up to support it better but for now hard core coders only
We are building it as the engine for Jahshaka VR so as Jahshaka moves ahead so will IrisGL :) they said it would take years we did it in months so its a bit rusty but already just as powerful as Qt3d and much easier to use
some screenshots to share with you here.... keep in mind its still a work in progress
- Spot lights have soft cone edges
- Normal mapping and fog:
- mesh files can contain multiple submeshes
- Gizmos and selection icons for translation, rotation and scaling with selection halos
- Playing around with shadows
A few months ago, I tried searching for a project that used qt and vr and never saw this. I have since been toying around with qt3d qml (5.9) and open-hmd. It runs stable, but I have issues with picking and keyboard focus. Wondering if you had tried the latest qt3d stuff and ran into similar issues? Also, have you looked at open-hmd?
The name "Iris GL" is going to be super confusing to anybody who remembers IrisGL on Irix workstations. Might be a good idea to consider using a name not already associated with a well known thing in the are of 3D graphics.