Qt dll loading failed
Hello, I have Qt 5.7 for MinGw 32-bit installed on my Windows 7 64-bit OS. I am trying to load programmatically a dll with the following code:
#include "mainwindow.h" #include "QLibrary" #include "QDebug" #include "QString" #include <QApplication> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QLibrary myLib("ucrtbased.dll"); myLib.load(); if(!myLib.isLoaded()){ qDebug() << myLib.errorString() ; } else { qDebug() << "All ok"; } return a.exec(); }
and it works with some dll, like ucrtbased.dll, which under the "file" command (in terminal) appears as:
ucrtbased.dll: PE32 executable (DLL) (Console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
while if I try to load the dll I want to use, which has the following format:
mylib.dll: PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
I get the following error from qDebug():
"Cannot load library mylib.dll: Could not find the specified module."
Both the libraries are in the same directory, so I believe is a format problem. Anyway, the only difference between the two is the (GUI) instead of (console) attribute, but I don't know what it means and how it could affect the loading of the library.
Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.
Is it possible mylib.dll have dependencies on some Qt*.DLLS ?
So when you try to load it, it fails to load those libraries.?You can use
to see if that is the case.I assume you :
1: compiled the mylib.dll with mingw compiler
2: have mylib.dll near the exe or it can be found via path so that
" Could not find the specified module." do not mean , cannot find mylib.dll -
I have found the problem, a silly one actually, so sorry for having you wasting time. The executable file built by Qt resides in another folder from where I was putting the dll (which I did put in the folder of the project/source files), so my program was actually not finding the dll, but ucrtbased.dll had a copy in the library_path so it was loaded anyway. I moved mydll in the exe folder and it works.
Thanks for the support.