Sorry, I have not yet mastered the C ++ and even the use of struct ... so I tried to do that in order to optimize the code ... I have to find in many function of my Qthread the same values type (using the same calculation and parameter) but from different images. ...
the wrong code:
int F_intbarix = 0, F_intbariy = 0; double F_lung1 = 0, F_lung11 = 0, F_lung2 = 0, F_lung3 = 0, F_lung4 = 0, F_lung5 = 0, F_barix = 0, F_bariy = 0, F_bariangle = 0, F_bariangle_template = 0; cv::Point F_centrale = cv::Point(0 ,0); cv::Point F_mezzo_rect_risc; cv::Point F_mezzo_rect_risc1; cv::Point F_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2; cv::Point F_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3; cv::Point F_un_quarto_rect_risc; cv::Point F_un_quarto_rect_risc1; cv::Point F_un_quarto_rect_risc_pt2; cv::Point F_un_quarto_rect_risc_pt3; struct Find_Angle_Central_Point_Targhet{ cv::Point2f Square_Points[4]; bool Find_Upper_Half_Square; bool Find_Lower_Half_Square; }; struct Get_Angle_Central_Point_Targhet{ cv::Point Get_cent; cv::Point Get_rect_risc; cv::Point Get_rect_risc1; cv::Point Get_rect_risc_pt2; cv::Point Get_rect_risc_pt3; double X_Point; double Y_point; double Angle; bool Major_Side1; bool Major_Side2; bool Get_Upper_Half_Square; bool Get_Lower_Half_Square; }; class datathread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: explicit datathread(QObject *parent = 0, bool bthw = false); void run(); bool Stop; Find_Angle_Central_Point_Targhet Find_A_Cent_P( cv::Point2f Square_Points[4], bool Find_Upper_Half_Square, bool Find_Lower_Half_Square) { F_lung1 = 0; F_lung2 = 0; F_lung3 = 0; F_lung4 = 0; F_lung5 = 0; F_barix = 0; F_bariy = 0; F_intbarix = 0; F_intbariy = 0; F_bariangle = 0; F_lung1 = std::pow((std::pow((Square_Points[0].x - Square_Points[1].x),2) + std::pow((Square_Points[0].y - Square_Points[1].y),2)), 0.5); F_lung2 = std::pow((std::pow((Square_Points[1].x - Square_Points[2].x),2) + std::pow((Square_Points[1].y - Square_Points[2].y),2)), 0.5); if (F_lung2 > F_lung1) { F_lung3 = F_lung2; F_lung4 = std::pow((std::pow((-Square_Points[1].x + Square_Points[2].x),2) + std::pow((0),2)), 0.5); F_lung5 = std::pow((std::pow((-Square_Points[1].y + Square_Points[2].y),2) + std::pow((0),2)), 0.5); F_barix = ((Square_Points[0].x + Square_Points[1].x + Square_Points[2].x + Square_Points[3].x)/4); F_bariy = ((Square_Points[0].y + Square_Points[1].y + Square_Points[2].y + Square_Points[3].y)/4); F_intbarix = round(F_barix); F_intbariy = round(F_bariy); F_bariangle = (std::atan2((Square_Points[2].y - Square_Points[1].y),(Square_Points[2].x - Square_Points[1].x))*180.00/3.1415926535); F_centrale = cv::Point(F_intbarix, F_intbariy); F_bariangle_template = F_bariangle; if(Find_Upper_Half_Square) { F_mezzo_rect_risc = cv::Point(round((Square_Points[0].x + Square_Points[1].x)/2), round((Square_Points[0].y + Square_Points[1].y)/2)); F_mezzo_rect_risc1 = cv::Point(round((Square_Points[2].x + Square_Points[3].x)/2), round((Square_Points[2].y + Square_Points[3].y)/2)); F_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2 = cv::Point(Square_Points[2].x, Square_Points[2].y); F_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3 = cv::Point(Square_Points[1].x, Square_Points[1].y); } else if (Find_Lower_Half_Square) { Get_Angle_Central_Point_Targhet Get_A_Cent_P; Get_A_Cent_P.Get_centrale = F_centrale; Get_A_Cent_P.Get_mezzo_rect_risc = F_mezzo_rect_risc; Get_A_Cent_P.Get_mezzo_rect_risc1 = F_mezzo_rect_risc1; Get_A_Cent_P.Get_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2 = F_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2; Get_A_Cent_P.Get_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3 = F_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3; Get_A_Cent_P.X_Point = F_intbarix; Get_A_Cent_P.Y_point = F_intbariy; Get_A_Cent_P.Angle = F_bariangle_template; Get_A_Cent_P.Major_Side1 = false; Get_A_Cent_P.Major_Side2 = false; Get_A_Cent_P.Get_Upper_Half_Square = false; Get_A_Cent_P.Get_Lower_Half_Square = false; return Get_A_Cent_P; }
the error is :
datathread.h:222: error: could not convert 'Get_A_Cent_P' from 'Get_Angle_Central_Point_Targhet' to 'Find_Angle_Central_Point_Targhet' return Get_A_Cent_P; ^
I have try to put my center-find function on datathread.h and my intention is to call it more time in datathread.cpp .... Is my strategy wrong or not permitted in C++??
Giorgio -
A struct is a type
and it will not just convert between them.Your naming of the structs is very verbose and hard to read & understand as you make
the type look like function name.it seems you define
Find_Angle_Central_Point_Targhet Find_A_Cent_P(xx)so return type is Find_Angle_Central_Point_Targhet
and in the function you define
Get_Angle_Central_Point_Targhet Get_A_Cent_P;
return Get_A_Cent_P; << this is not correct type to return. -
@mrjj ok I suspect these ... I understand not possible return other struct type .... but I can define these struct and use these struct func?:
struct a{ int x; double y; cv::Point cerr0; cv::Point cerr1; cv::Point cerr2; cv::Point cerr3; } ........ a afunc (cv::Point cerr0){ /* <---------- no pass all value of a struct only one .... but return all*/ /*my operation .....*/ afunc.x = some_value0; afunc.y = some_value1; afunc.cerr0 = some_value0; afunc.cerr1 = some_value1; afunc.cerr2 = some_value2; afunc.cerr3 = some_value3; return afunc; } These is valid use of struct func?? regards Giorgio
Yes, thats correct but its a type so it wont convert.
so if you say
struct A;
struct B;A myfunc() {
A mine;
return mine; // ok correct type
}A myfunc() {
B mine;
return mine; // error B is not A type
} -
@gfxx said in C++ struct function with return struct ...:
a afunc (cv::Point cerr0){ /* <---------- no pass all value of a struct only one .... but return all*/
/my operation ...../
afunc.x = some_value0;
afunc.y = some_value1;
afunc.cerr0 = some_value0;
afunc.cerr1 = some_value1;
afunc.cerr2 = some_value2;
afunc.cerr3 = some_value3;return afunc;
}This does not make any sense. You probably mean:
a afunc (cv::Point cerr0){ /*my operation .....*/ a result; result.x = some_value0; result.y = some_value1; result.cerr0 = some_value0; result.cerr1 = some_value1; result.cerr2 = some_value2; result.cerr3 = some_value3; return result; }
@jsulm said in C++ struct function with return struct ...:
@gfxx said in C++ struct function with return struct ...:
a afunc (cv::Point cerr0){ /* <---------- no pass all value of a struct only one .... but return all*/
/my operation ...../
afunc.x = some_value0;
afunc.y = some_value1;
afunc.cerr0 = some_value0;
afunc.cerr1 = some_value1;
afunc.cerr2 = some_value2;
afunc.cerr3 = some_value3;return afunc;
}This does not make any sense. You probably mean:
a afunc (cv::Point cerr0){ /*my operation .....*/ a result; result.x = some_value0; result.y = some_value1; result.cerr0 = some_value0; result.cerr1 = some_value1; result.cerr2 = some_value2; result.cerr3 = some_value3; return result; }
You are perfectly in right .... but anyhow the function is write in my file.h and I would reuse it in file.ccp ... but if in file.cpp i write:
afunc (cv::Point myvalue); /* I expect to be able to write these:*/ myvar1 = result.x; myvar2 = result.y; etc. etc.... /*but these is not possible .... or qt not permit it*/
Giorgio -
"result" is a local variable in "afunc". You cannot expect it to be known outside of "afunc". This is no restriction of Qt but a feature of the C++ language. But you can write something like this:a result=afunc(myvalue); myvar1 = result.x; myvar2 = result.y;
@m.sue Tanks A lot I have just read in an ebook this peculiarity of the struct .... I have many elements struct each one with a calculation and a return .... something like these:
struct a{ int x; double y; cv::Point cerr0; cv::Point cerr1; cv::Point cerr2; cv::Point cerr3; cv::Point result1() { return /* some long calculation*/}; cv::Point result2() {return /* some long calculation*/}; cv::Point result3() {return /* some long calculation*/}; } ........ afunc (cv::Point cerr0){ /* so in my file.cpp i can write these*/ some_value0 = afunc.result1; some_value1 = afunc.result2; some_value2 = afunc.result3;
In my case I think is a little bit more long as I expect .... :( ..so I try your suggest to try to simplify my function ...
Giorgio -
@gfxx ...NOT WORK ...
my real code:
/******************in my file.h*-***********************/ FindAngleCPointTarghet FindCentPoint( cv::Point2f Square_Points[4], bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d) { FindAngleCPointTarghet FindTarghet; F_lung1 = 0; F_lung2 = 0; F_lung3 = 0; F_lung4 = 0; F_lung5 = 0; F_barix = 0; F_bariy = 0; F_intbarix = 0; F_intbariy = 0; F_bariangle = 0; bool choose0 = false, choose1 = false, choose2 = false, choose3 = false; F_lung1 = std::pow((std::pow((Square_Points[0].x - Square_Points[1].x),2) + std::pow((Square_Points[0].y - Square_Points[1].y),2)), 0.5); F_lung2 = std::pow((std::pow((Square_Points[1].x - Square_Points[2].x),2) + std::pow((Square_Points[1].y - Square_Points[2].y),2)), 0.5); if (F_lung2 > F_lung1) { F_lung3 = F_lung2; F_lung4 = std::pow((std::pow((-Square_Points[1].x + Square_Points[2].x),2) + std::pow((0),2)), 0.5); F_lung5 = std::pow((std::pow((-Square_Points[1].y + Square_Points[2].y),2) + std::pow((0),2)), 0.5); F_barix = ((Square_Points[0].x + Square_Points[1].x + Square_Points[2].x + Square_Points[3].x)/4); F_bariy = ((Square_Points[0].y + Square_Points[1].y + Square_Points[2].y + Square_Points[3].y)/4); F_intbarix = round(F_barix); F_intbariy = round(F_bariy); F_bariangle = (std::atan2((Square_Points[2].y - Square_Points[1].y),(Square_Points[2].x - Square_Points[1].x))*180.00/3.1415926535); F_centrale = cv::Point(F_intbarix, F_intbariy); F_bariangle_template = F_bariangle; if(a) { .................. /*the calculation proceed for 180 row with the same variable declared here ... the result ( FindTarghet.Get_centrale etc) value change if a-b or a-d or etc etc bool value is true or false ....*/ .................. FindTarghet.Get_centrale = F_centrale; FindTarghet.Get_mezzo_rect_risc = F_mezzo_rect_risc; FindTarghet.Get_mezzo_rect_risc1 = F_mezzo_rect_risc1; FindTarghet.Get_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2 = F_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2; FindTarghet.Get_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3 = F_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3; FindTarghet.X_Point = F_intbarix; FindTarghet.Y_point = F_intbariy; FindTarghet.Angle = F_bariangle_template; FindTarghet.Major_Side1 = false; FindTarghet.Major_Side2 = false; FindTarghet.Get_Upper_Half_Square = false; FindTarghet.Get_Lower_Half_Square = false; return FindTarghet; /* than in my file.ccp*******************/ FindAngleCPointTarghet TarghetResutl = FindCentPoint(rect_points, targhet_verticale, targhet_orizzontale); centrale = TarghetResutl.Get_centrale; mezzo_rect_risc = TarghetResutl.Get_mezzo_rect_risc; mezzo_rect_risc1 = TarghetResutl.Get_mezzo_rect_risc1; mezzo_rect_risc_pt2 = TarghetResutl.Get_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2; mezzo_rect_risc_pt3 = TarghetResutl.Get_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3; intbarix = TarghetResutl.X_Point; intbariy = TarghetResutl.Y_point; bariangle = TarghetResutl.Angle; /***********the error .... 380 error signed .... a memeory allocation id/name problem I think****************/ (.bss+0x120):-1: error: multiple definition of `F_lung4' (.bss+0x128):-1: error: multiple definition of `F_lung3' .... etc etc.... all identical error but for all variable used during calculation .... }
I'm explain my better ... I try to make in file.h a struct function with struct return value .... As you see
If you include data in .h file, you can get this error
multiple definition of XXXIm not sure why this is so complex.
MYS.hstruct MyStruct { // DEFINE
int Value;
};MyStruct MyFunc(); // DEFINE
MYS.cppMyStruct MyFunc() { // IMPLEMENT
MyStruct localcopy;
return localcopy;
}-- in some file--
#include "MYS.h"void buttonClick() {
MyStruct usedhere = MyFunc(); // USING}
MYS = MYQThread so....
-- MYQThread .h struct MyStruct { // DEFINE int Value; }; /* now I try to do these*/ MyStruct MyFunc(with parameter){some calculation with pnota bene arameter and some other local variable}; // DEFINE -- MYQThread .cpp MyStruct MyFunc() { // IMPLEMENT /* so your answer is : " in these local copy make your calculation" ... is right?*/ MyStruct localcopy; localcopy.Value=100; return localcopy; } -- in these MYQThread.cpp-- /* but my file.h and file.cpp is the same so is not possible do these ....*/ #include " MYQThread .h" void buttonClick() { MyStruct usedhere = MyFunc(); // USING }
If I understand well your reply you think mi struct function is utilize in other part of my app ... but is define in QThread.h and implement + utilized in QThread.cpp
@mrjj perhaps your answer sounds like you'd better build a class that a struct func .... -
make sure that
MYQThread .cppMyStruct MyFunc(same params as in .h) {...}
No sure i understand
/* but my file.h and file.cpp is the same so is not possible do these*/why is file.cpp and file.h the same?
Also for the use
void buttonClick() {
MyStruct usedhere = MyFunc( ACTUAL PARAMETERS); // USING}
/***********MYQThread .h*****************/ struct FindACPTarghet{ cv::Point2f Square_Points[4]; bool Find_Upper_Half_Square; bool Find_Lower_Half_Square; cv::Point Get_centrale; cv::Point Get_mezzo_rect_risc; cv::Point Get_mezzo_rect_risc1; cv::Point Get_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2; cv::Point Get_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3; double X_Point; double Y_point; double Angle; bool Major_Side1; bool Major_Side2; bool Get_Upper_Half_Square; bool Get_Lower_Half_Square; //Get_Angle_Central_Point_Targhet GetDataTarghet; }/*FindCentPoint*/; class datathread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: explicit datathread(QObject *parent = 0, bool bthw = false); void run(); bool Stop; FindACPTarghet FindCentPoint( cv::Point2f Square_Points[4], bool Find_Upper_Half_Square, bool Find_Lower_Half_Square); /***********MYQThread .cpp*****************/ FindACPTarghet FindCentPoint( cv::Point2f Square_Points[4], bool Find_Upper_Half_Square, bool Find_Lower_Half_Square) { FindACPTarghet FindTarghet; <---------------------------------------- F_lung1 = 0; F_lung2 = 0; F_lung3 = 0; F_lung4 = 0; F_lung5 = 0; F_barix = 0; F_bariy = 0; F_intbarix = 0; F_intbariy = 0; F_bariangle = 0; bool choose0 = false, choose1 = false, choose2 = false, choose3 = false; F_lung1 = std::pow((std::pow((Square_Points[0].x - Square_Points[1].x),2) + std::pow((Square_Points[0].y - Square_Points[1].y),2)), 0.5); F_lung2 = std::pow((std::pow((Square_Points[1].x - Square_Points[2].x),2) + std::pow((Square_Points[1].y - Square_Points[2].y),2)), 0.5); if (F_lung2 > F_lung1) {.................. ........................ FindTarghet.Get_centrale = F_centrale; <--------------------------------- /*******************************undefined error reference**********************/ FindTarghet.Get_mezzo_rect_risc = F_mezzo_rect_risc; FindTarghet.Get_mezzo_rect_risc1 = F_mezzo_rect_risc1; FindTarghet.Get_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2 = F_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2; FindTarghet.Get_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3 = F_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3; FindTarghet.X_Point = F_intbarix; FindTarghet.Y_point = F_intbariy; FindTarghet.Angle = F_bariangle_template; FindTarghet.Major_Side1 = false; FindTarghet.Major_Side2 = false; FindTarghet.Get_Upper_Half_Square = false; FindTarghet.Get_Lower_Half_Square = false; return FindTarghet; } /***********MYQThread .cpp qthread::run*****************/ void datathread::run() { ... ... ... FindACPTarghet OneTarghet = FindCentPoint(rect_points, true, false); centrale = OneTarghet.Get_centrale; mezzo_rect_risc = OneTarghet.Get_mezzo_rect_risc; mezzo_rect_risc1 = OneTarghet.Get_mezzo_rect_risc1; mezzo_rect_risc_pt2 = OneTarghet.Get_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2; mezzo_rect_risc_pt3 = OneTarghet.Get_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3; intbarix = OneTarghet.X_Point; intbariy = OneTarghet.Y_point; bariangle = OneTarghet.Angle;
Not understand very well why I can't use return with struct ....
Giorgio -
But you can use struct as return. :)
FindTarghet.Get_centrale = F_centrale;
what is F_central?
I dont see you define it ?
so that would explain "undefined" -
@mrjj mmm....
/********* as global var in MYQThread .cpp*****************/ int F_intbarix = 0, F_intbariy = 0; double F_lung1 = 0, F_lung11 = 0, F_lung2 = 0, F_lung3 = 0, F_lung4 = 0, F_lung5 = 0, F_barix = 0, F_bariy = 0, F_bariangle = 0, F_bariangle_template = 0; int DeF_barix = 0, DeF_bariy = 0, DeF_bariangle = 0, DeF_bariangle_template = 0; int X_mezzo_rect_risc = 0, Y_mezzo_rect_risc = 0, X_mezzo_rect_risc1 = 0, Y_mezzo_rect_risc1 = 0; int X_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2 = 0, Y_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2 = 0, X_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3 = 0, Y_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3 = 0; int DeF_Major_Side1 = 0, DeF_Major_Side2 = 0, DeF_Get_Upper_Half_Square = 0, DeF_Get_Lower_Half_Square = 0; cv::Point F_centrale = cv::Point(0 ,0); <------------------------------------------------------- /****** and use these variable into calculation and as result too... so i put it into return struc as you see****/ cv::Point F_mezzo_rect_risc = cv::Point(0 ,0); cv::Point F_mezzo_rect_risc1 = cv::Point(0 ,0); cv::Point F_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2 = cv::Point(0 ,0);
giorgio -
@gfxx so I try to define F_centrale into struc func..
FindACPTarghet FindCentPoint( cv::Point2f Square_Points[4], bool Find_Upper_Half_Square, bool Find_Lower_Half_Square) { FindACPTarghet FindTarghet; <---------------------------------------- int F_intbarix = 0, F_intbariy = 0; double F_lung1 = 0, F_lung11 = 0, F_lung2 = 0, F_lung3 = 0, F_lung4 = 0, F_lung5 = 0, F_barix = 0, F_bariy = 0, F_bariangle = 0, F_bariangle_template = 0; int DeF_barix = 0, DeF_bariy = 0, DeF_bariangle = 0, DeF_bariangle_template = 0; int X_mezzo_rect_risc = 0, Y_mezzo_rect_risc = 0, X_mezzo_rect_risc1 = 0, Y_mezzo_rect_risc1 = 0; int X_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2 = 0, Y_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2 = 0, X_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3 = 0, Y_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3 = 0; int DeF_Major_Side1 = 0, DeF_Major_Side2 = 0, DeF_Get_Upper_Half_Square = 0, DeF_Get_Lower_Half_Square = 0; cv::Point F_centrale = cv::Point(0 ,0); cv::Point F_mezzo_rect_risc = cv::Point(0 ,0); cv::Point F_mezzo_rect_risc1 = cv::Point(0 ,0); cv::Point F_mezzo_rect_risc_pt2 = cv::Point(0 ,0); cv::Point F_mezzo_rect_risc_pt3 = cv::Point(0 ,0); cv::Point F_un_quarto_rect_risc = cv::Point(0 ,0); cv::Point F_un_quarto_rect_risc1 = cv::Point(0 ,0); cv::Point F_un_quarto_rect_risc_pt2 = cv::Point(0 ,0); cv::Point F_un_quarto_rect_risc_pt3 = cv::Point(0 ,0); bool choose0 = false, choose1 = false, choose2 = false, choose3 = false; F_lung1 = std::pow((std::pow((Square_Points[0].x - Square_Points[1].x),2) + std::pow((Square_Points[0].y - Square_Points[1].y),2)), 0.5); F_lung2 = std::pow((std::pow((Square_Points[1].x - Square_Points[2].x),2) + std::pow((Square_Points[1].y - Square_Points[2].y),2)), 0.5); if (F_lung2 > F_lung1) {..................
but result is the same...
giorgio -
@gfxx mmm.... these type of approach is not desirable in my case ... so at the last I solve my problem wit a specific c++ class with function that return struct result ... if someone had this same problem or wish to create a class with a return statement struct or a void with a return struct placed here the basic steps ....
/*************************FILE.h*********************************/ #ifndef FILE_H #define FILE_H #include <QThread> /**** and other magic include ****/ #include <QtCore/QVariant> ..... struct myFirstStruct{ cv::Point2f Square_Points[4]; bool Up1_2Square; bool Down1_2Square; bool returnValue1; bool returnValue2; ...... /***other member DECLARE ***/ }; class File { public: File(); myFirstStruct myVoid( cv::Point2f Square_Points[4], bool Up1_2Square, bool Down1_2Square); struct myFirstStruct MyIstance; private: }; #endif // FILE_H /*************************FILE.cpp*********************************/ #include "File.h" File::File() { } myFirstStruct File::myVoid(cv::Point2f Square_Points[4], bool Up1_2Square, bool Down1_2Square) { /***do somethings*****/ MyIstance.returnValue1 = calculatedvalue1; MyIstance.returnValue2 = calculatedvalue2; return MyIstance; } /*************************InSomeFileOfYourApp.cpp*********************************/ #include "File.h" int var1; ..... Your::mainOrSub(){ File MyClassIstance; MyClassIstance.myVoid(cv-point-value, bool-value, bool-value); yourCalculatedData1 = myVoid.MyIstance.returnValue1; yourCalculatedData2 = myVoid.MyIstance.returnValue2; ....... }
I hope These Help someone ...
Giorgio -
@VRonin yes struct and class is quite similar .... but not the same things..... I know .. some C programmers not like class and prefer struct .... When I was A good programmer I use me too only struct and no class .... but for now I'm happy class exist .... ;)